§ 8109-4.1.5. Development standards.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    All discretionary development shall be sited and designed to:


    Prevent significant degradation of a scenic view or vista;


    Minimize alteration of the natural topography, physical features and vegetation;


    Utilize native plants indigenous to the area for re-vegetation of graded slopes, where appropriate considering the surrounding vegetative conditions;


    Avoid silhouetting of structures on ridge tops that are within public view;


    Use materials and colors that blend in with the natural surroundings and avoid materials and colors that are highly reflective or that contrast with the surrounding vegetation and terrain, such as large un-shaded windows, light colored roofs, galvanized metal, and white or brightly colored exteriors.


    Minimize lighting that causes glare, illuminates adjacent properties, or is directed skyward in rural areas.


    All on-site freestanding advertising, identification and non-commercial message signs in excess of five (5) feet in height and all off-site advertising signs are prohibited in the SRP Overlay Zone.

    (Add. Ord. 4390—9/9/08)

(Ord. No. 4413, § 2, 4-6-2010)