§ 8109-4.5.1. Application.  

Latest version.
  • The abbreviated reference for this zone when applied to a base zone shall be "CBD." This overlay zone applies to community business districts which have been found by the County to have unique historic character which warrants special permit requirements and standards necessary to preserve or re-create the historic character of the district consistent with the design guidelines as adopted under the applicable County Area Plan or Specific Plan. The suffix "CBD" shall be added to the base zone covering land so identified (e.g., C-P-D/CBD), but shall have no effect on the provisions of the base zone except as provided in Sections 8109-4.5 through 8109-4.5.5. In this overlay zone the permit requirements of Article 5 shall apply.

(Am. Ord. 4390—9/9/08; Am. Ord. 4393—12/16/08)