§ 8109-4.5.5. Mixed-use development.  

Latest version.
  • Mixed-use development shall comply with the following requirements:


    Design Considerations. A mixed-use development shall be designed to achieve the following objectives:


    The design of the structures and site planning shall encourage integration of the street pedestrian environment with the nonresidential uses. Design emphasis should be given to the pedestrian through the provision of inviting building entries, street-level amenities such as the use of plazas, courtyards, walkways, and street furniture designed to encourage pedestrian interaction.


    The design shall provide for internal compatibility between the different uses. Potential noise, hours of operation, odors, glare and other potentially significant impacts on residents shall be minimized to allow a compatible mix of residential and nonresidential uses on the same site.


    The design of the mixed-use development project shall take into consideration potential impacts on adjacent properties and shall include specific design features to minimize potential impacts.


    The design of a mixed-use project shall ensure that the residential units are of a residential character and that privacy between residential units and between other uses on the site is maximized.


    Site planning and building design shall be compatible with and enhance the adjacent and surrounding neighborhood in terms of scale, building design, color, exterior materials, roof styles, lighting, landscaping and signage.


    Mix of Uses. Unless otherwise limited in an applicable County Area Plan or Specific Plan, a mixed-use project may combine residential units with any other use or combination of uses allowed in the base zoning district. Where a mixed-use project is proposed with a use that is otherwise required to have a conditional use permit the entire mixed-use development project shall be subject to the conditional use permit requirement.


    Maximum Density. The maximum density allowed for a mixed-use development shall be fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre, except that if a higher density is permitted on an adjacent residentially zoned parcel, then the density of the mixed-use development may be increased to be consistent with the adjacent residentially zoned parcel.


    Site Layout and Project Design Standards. Each proposed mixed-use development project shall comply with the development standards of the underlying zoning district as described in Section 8106-1.2 except as may otherwise be provided in an applicable County Area Plan or Specific Plan. Additionally, mixed-use developments shall comply with the following requirements:


    Location of Residential Units. Residential units shall not occupy ground floor space.


    Loading Areas. Commercial loading areas shall be located as far as practically feasible from the residential units and shall be screened from view from the residential portion of the mixed-use development project to the extent feasible.


    Refuge and Recycling Areas. Shared areas for collection and storage of refuge and recyclable materials shall be located on the site in locations that are convenient for both the residential and nonresidential uses.


    Lighting. Lighting for commercial uses shall be appropriately shielded to avoid or mitigate negative impacts on the residential units.


    Noise. All residential units shall be designed to minimize adverse impacts from nonresidential project noise, in compliance with County noise standards. A noise report prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer may be required to recommend specific measures to ensure compliance with County noise standards.


    Hours of Operation. Commercial operations within a mixed-use development project will limit operations to normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) unless otherwise specifically approved by the decision-making authority.


    Open Space. A minimum of eighty (80) square feet of private usable open space shall be provided for each residential unit within the project. The open space requirement may be met through provision of patios, decks or enclosed yard areas.


    Parking. Mixed-use development projects shall comply with the parking requirements set forth in Section 8108, except that the nonresidential parking requirement may be modified pursuant to Section 8109-4.5.4 above.


    Required Finding for Mixed-Use Development. In addition to the permit findings required in Section 8109-4.5.3, the decision-making authority must make the finding that the mixed-use development complies with the standards and requirements of Section 8109-4.5.5(a) through (d).

(Add. Ord. 4393—12/16/08)