§ 8212-4.1. Application and processing.  

Latest version.
  • Any person may submit an application for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for any existing lot or group of contiguous lots which have been created, legally or illegally, by any conveyance or subdivision map, provided that the application must pertain to all such contiguous lots in common ownership. If the application pertains to a single lot, it shall be submitted and processed in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as an application for a parcel map, except as otherwise provided in Section 8212-4.2. If the application pertains to two or more contiguous lots, it shall be submitted and processed in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as an application for a parcel map or a final map creating those lots, except as otherwise provided in Section 8212-4.2. If the application pertains to two or more contiguous lots that were created illegally and are owned by the illegal subdivider, the application may be approved only if the proposed Conditional Certificate of Compliance merges all such lots into one, in which case it shall be treated as an application pertaining to a single lot. The approved Conditional Certificate of Compliance shall be designated "Conditional Certificate of Compliance—Final Map" or "Conditional Certificate of Compliance—Parcel Map", as appropriate, and shall be recorded in the same manner as other final maps and parcel maps, and once recorded shall have the same force and effect as a recorded final map or parcel map.