§ 8212-4.2. Conditions.  

Latest version.
  • An application for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance shall not be denied on account of the noncompliance of any lot with applicable requirements respecting:


    Lot size and configuration;


    Buildable site;


    Sewage disposal;


    Water for domestic or firefighting purposes; or



    However, the application may be approved subject to the condition that the lots be brought into compliance with such requirements. Any conditions imposed with respect to a Conditional Certificate of Compliance shall be limited to those which could have been imposed in connection with a lawful subdivision of the legal parent parcel out of which each lot to which the certificate pertains was created had such lawful subdivision been effected on the date the present owner acquired his or her interest in the lot, except where the present owner was the owner at the time the parent parcel was subdivided so as to create the lot, in which case the conditions shall be limited to those which could be imposed in connection with a current lawful subdivision of such parent parcel. Compliance with such conditions shall not be required until such time as a building permit or other grant of approval for development of any lot to which the certificate pertains is issued by the County. All conditions which have not been satisfied before the parcel map or final map is submitted to the County Surveyor pursuant to Section 8206-2 shall be referenced on the face of the map and stated in full on a separate map sheet. The separate map sheet shall be submitted to the County Surveyor pursuant to Section 8206-3.16 and shall be filed, maintained and indexed pursuant to Section 8206-5.