Article 9. Improvement Fees, Dedications and Reservations  

§ 8209-1. Fees for bridges and major thoroughfares.
§ 8209-1.1. Hearing.
§ 8209-1.2. Fees for thoroughfares.
§ 8209-1.3. Fees for bridges.
§ 8209-1.4. Protests.
§ 8209-1.5. Use of fees.
§ 8209-1.6. Powers and obligations.
§ 8209-2. Dedications for school purposes.
§ 8209-3. Dedication of land and easements for public use.
§ 8209-3.1. Flood control channels.
§ 8209-3.2. Private street easements.
§ 8209-3.3. Public street easements and access.
§ 8209-3.4. Other easements.
§ 8209-3.5. Documentation.
§ 8209-3.6. Acceptance of dedications.
§ 8209-4. Reservations for public uses.
§ 8209-5. Fees for drainage and sewer facilities.
§ 8209-6. Fees and dedications for parks and recreation facilities.
§ 8209-6.1. Applicability.
§ 8209-6.2. Relation of land required to population density.
§ 8209-6.3. Additional population generated by subdivision.
§ 8209-6.4. Land dedication and improvement.
§ 8209-6.5. Fee in lieu of land dedication and improvement.
§ 8209-6.6. Alternative methods for paying fees.
§ 8209-6.7. Credit for private open space.
§ 8209-6.8. Choice and method of dedication of land or payment of fees.
§ 8209-6.9. Conveyance of land.
§ 8209-6.10. Time of commencement of development.
§ 8209-6.11. Limitation on use of land and fees.