§ 8209-6.4. Land dedication and improvement.  

Latest version.
  • The amount of usable land required to be dedicated by a subdivider for park and recreational purposes shall be the number of net acres equal to the product of .005 multiplied by the total number of persons comprising the additional population expected to be generated by the proposed subdivision.

    The tentative map shall provide that, as a condition precedent to recordation of the parcel map or final map, the subdivider shall either provide or enter into a secured improvement agreement with the appropriate Park District to provide the following: all required curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage facilities, fencing, street lighting, stop lights, street signs, matching pavement and street trees to full County standards; stub-in of all requested utility line services to the park facility; all standard improvements required by the appropriate Park District; and initial on-site grading required for developing the park facility. However, with the approval of the appropriate Park District, and in lieu of providing or entering into an agreement to provide said improvements, the subdivider may pay a sum equal to 25% of the fair market value of the dedicated land to cover the cost of said improvements.