§ 8601-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them below.


    Acceptable LOS. The term "acceptable LOS" means, with respect to any given road segment or intersection within the regional road network, the applicable "minimum acceptable Level of Service (LOS)" specified in Policy 4.2.2-3 of the Goals, Policies and Programs volume of the General Plan.


    ADT. The term "ADT" or "average daily trips" means the total number of motor vehicle trips that will occur over the roads on the average weekday.


    Traffic Impact Districts. The County has been subdivided into fourteen (14) traffic impact districts for the purpose of determining the traffic impact fee related to a specific geographic location within the County. These Districts are depicted on Public Works Drawing #TIMF-1 and adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors subject to the provisions of this chapter.


    City Road System. The term "city road system" means, with reference to any given city, all public roads maintained by that city and all portions of the regional road network lying within the city.


    Director. The term "Director" means the Director of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, or his or her designee.


    Diverted Linked Trips. The term "diverted linked trips" has the meaning assigned to that term by the ITE Trip Generation Manual.


    Estimated ADI. The term "estimated ADT" when used with reference to a particular development means the ADT that, according to estimates made in accordance with Section 8601-3, will be generated by that development.


    General Plan. The term "General Plan" means the Ventura County General Plan as amended from time to time.


    ITE Trip Generation Manual. The term "ITE Trip Generation Manual" means the most recent edition of the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.


    LOS. The term "LOS" or "level of service" has the meaning assigned to that term by the Goals, Policies and Programs volume of the General Plan.


    Pass-By Trips. The term "pass-by trips" has the meaning assigned to that term by the ITE Trip Generation Manual.


    Regional Road Network. The term "regional road network" has the meaning assigned to that term by the Goals, Policies and Programs volume of the General Plan.

(Add Ord. 4246—11/6/01)