Appendix 10. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this Code, unless a different meaning is apparent from the context or is specified elsewhere in the Code:

    "County" means the County of Ventura, and geographically means the unincorporated area within the territorial county lines of the County of Ventura and such territory outside of the County over which the County has jurisdiction or control by virtue of any constitutional provision or any law.

    "Oath" includes affirmation.

    "Person" means any natural person, firm, corporation, organization, company, association, business, trust, joint-stock organization, partnership, joint venture, club, or the agent, servant, manager, officer, employee or lessee of any of them.

    "Written" includes printed, typewritten, mimeographed or multigraphed.

    "Section," "Article," "Chapter" and "Division" mean, respectively, Section, Article, Chapter, and Division of this Code.

    "Street" means any street, highway, land, public drive or alley.