Appendix 4852. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • All of the definitions of terms set forth in Health and Safety Code section 4010.1, subdivisions (a) through (h), inclusive, are hereby adopted as definitions of terms used in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires. In addition to the terms defined above, the following terms are defined as follows, unless the context otherwise requires:


    "Environmental Health Department" means the Environmental Health Division of the Resource Management Agency of Ventura County.


    "Director" means the Director of the Environmental Health Department.


    The "Safe Drinking Water Act" means the California Safe Drinking Water Act, set forth in Chapter 7 of Part 1 of Division 5 (commencing with section 4010) of the California Health and Safety Code, and all rules, regulations and standards promulgated or adopted thereunder.


    "Rules," "regulations" and "standards" mean any and all rules, regulations and standards adopted by the State Department of Health Services in accordance with, or for the purpose of enforcing and implementing, the Safe Drinking Water Act.


    "Examiner" means the hearing officer designated by the Director to conduct hearings in accordance with section 4857 of this Article. The examiner may be the Director or any employee of the Environmental Health Department other than the investigating officer involved in the particular proceeding.