§ 4953. Requirements for payment of living wage.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Contractors and subcontractors providing services to the County pursuant to a service contract shall pay employees providing services pursuant to the service contract a wage of no less than the living wage set forth in this Chapter.


    The requirements of this Section apply to subcontractors of a service contract contractor if the subcontractor employees are engaged in County funded services.


    The County Purchasing Agent and all County departments and agencies are directed to incorporate appropriate language into all relevant bid documents, requests for proposals and similar materials relating to "service contracts," and into all purchase order and other service contracts, issued, renewed, or extended on or after the effective date of this Chapter, requiring the contractor and any subcontractors to comply with the requirements of this Chapter.


    Annually, each awarding authority within the County is directed to submit information to the County Purchasing Agent regarding the status of service contracts within its purview. Commencing February 2002, and during each subsequent February, the Purchasing Agency will prepare and submit a report to the Chief Administrative Office listing those contracts which require payment of a living wage rate pursuant to this Chapter. In order to assess the impact of this Chapter the report will include information on the number of employees affected, whether affected employees received health benefits and the cost attributable to the required wage increase. The report will also list any contract which would have been subject to this Chapter, but which was granted a waiver, the reason for waiver and finally a projection of what contractual services are being renewed or let in the coming fiscal year which may be subject to the living wage and a projection of increased cost attributable to the living wage.

(Ord. No. 4464(Rev.), § 1, 6-24-2016)