§ 4594. Living wage rate.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Contractors and subcontractors shall pay employees a living wage for services financed by County funds. As used in this Section, the "living wage" means no less than ten dollars and fifty cents ($10.50) per hour with health benefits, otherwise no less than twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per hour.


    The living wage rate set forth in subdivision (a) shall be automatically reviewed for ensuring fiscal years in proportion to the increase in the Consumer Price Index-W (Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers not seasonally adjusted for the U.S. city average) for the preceding calendar year or years, utilizing 2014 as the base year. Commencing in January 2015, and annually in January thereafter, the County Executive Office will calculate the percentage increases and give official notice to the Board of the percentage increase and the corresponding monetary increase when applied to the lower living wage rate. Whenever the increase (or cumulative yearly increases) in the CPI-W indicates that an adjustment of approximately fifty cents ($0.50) or more, rounding down, is in order, the applicable living wage rates shall be automatically adjusted by fifty cents ($0.50) unless the County Executive Officer reports to the Board of Supervisors that he/she believes such an increase would unduly burden the County budget. Upon such a report, any increase will require the review and approval of the Board of Supervisors to take effect. The specified rates shall then apply with respect to new service contracts or service contracts that are renewed on or after the first day of that new fiscal year. Pursuant to the Board's direction the County Executive Office will notify the public, all awarding authorities and affected contractors of the living wage rates that will be applicable for the ensuing fiscal year. Affected contractors shall provide written notification of the rate adjustments to each of their affected subcontractors and employees, and affected contractors and subcontractors shall make payroll adjustments as necessary to implement the adjusted rates.


    Health benefits required by this Section shall consist of the payment of at least two dollars ($2.00) per hour towards the provision of health care benefits for the employee and his/her dependents. The contractor or subcontractor must provide written proof of the provision of such benefits to the County Purchasing Agent or other awarding authority during the procurement or contracting process.

(Ord. No. 4464(Rev.), § 1, 6-24-2016)