Appendix 7022. Matters to be provided for by order of the road commissioner.  

Latest version.
  • In order to provide for greater safety and convenience on highways within the County, the Board of Supervisors does hereby delegate to the Road Commissioner the authority to establish the regulations hereinafter provided within the following standards: When engineering investigation discloses that the minimum traffic warrants as described in the then current edition of the Traffic Manual published by the Department of Transportation of the State of California, or Guidelines for Installation of Traffic Control Devices as adopted by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors are met, the Road Commissioner shall whenever necessary or desirable, issue an order regulating those matters provided for in Sections 21100(d), 21101(c), 21351, 21354, 21355, 21356, 21359, 21361, 21362, 21363, 21368, 21458, 21459, 22101, 22357, 22358, 22360, 22363 and 22514 of the California Vehicle Code.

(Am. Ord. 3042—8/5/75; Am. Ord. 3984—8/6/91)