Appendix 7807. Appeals.  

Latest version.
  • If an application is denied pursuant to Section 7804 for any reason other than failure to obtain approval of the California Department of Transportation (and, if any part of the route is outside of the unincorporated portion of the county, approval of the county or city having jurisdiction over such part), or if an approval is revoked pursuant to Section 7806, any aggrieved person may appeal such denial or revocation to the County Board of Supervisors in writing. Such appeal shall be made on a form prescribed by the Agency and must be filed with the Agency within 15 calendar days following the day written notice of such denial or revocation is mailed to the applicant or person operating pursuant to the approval. Such approval may be filed only upon payment of the appeal fee deposit established pursuant to Section 7808. The appeal shall state specifically why the denial or revocation constitutes an error or abuse of discretion and shall concisely summarize all of the evidence upon which the appellant relies. Upon the filing of the appeal, the Agency shall establish a date, time and place for the hearing before the Board of Supervisors and shall serve written notice thereof to the appellant. At the hearing, any interested person may present probative evidence relevant to the appeal. The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be final and conclusive when rendered.