A.1 - Introduction.  

Latest version.
  • The following standards set forth acceptable methods for protected tree removal, alteration and planting. All standards must be used in conjunction with Section 8178-8 of the Ventura County Coastal Zoning Ordinance, and discretionary permit applications shall be consistent with these standards.

    Policy A.2(2) of the Coastal Area Plan specifically defines "protected trees" to include trees that are ESHA (or that contribute to ESHA), native, historical, and heritage trees. For a list of representative native, non-native, and invasive trees, see B1. Except for minor pruning practices, the alteration, transplantation, or removal of a protected tree or the encroachment into the protected zone of a protected tree generally requires a tree permit. Consult the Tree Protection provisions of the Coastal Zoning Ordinance or the Planning Division to determine the types of tree modifications that require a tree permit.

    The practices set forth in this Appendix are consistent with the pruning guidelines and Best Management Practices adopted by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the American National Standard for Tree Care Operations—Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance-Standard Practices ANSI A300 (Part 1) 2001 Pruning, ISA ANSI A300 1995, the U.S. Forest Service, and the National Arbor Day Foundation. The County of Ventura promotes these guidelines as the expected level of care for all trees. Property owners are strongly encouraged to adhere to these pruning guidelines and seek additional advice from qualified tree consultants if conflicts or questions arise.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 9, 6-21-2016)