§ 8175-2. Schedule of specific development standards by zone.  

Latest version.
  • The following table indicates the lot area, lot width, setback, height, and building coverage standards that apply to individual lots in the zones specified. See Articles 6 and 7 for other general standards and exceptions.

    Zone Minimum Lot Area (a) Maximum Percentage of Building Coverage Minimum Lot Width Required Minimum Setbacks (b)
    Maximum Height (b)
    Front Side Rear Principal Structure Exceptions (Principal Structure) Accessory Structure
    Interior and Corner Lots, Except Reverse Corner Reverse Corner Lots: Street Side
    COS 10 Acres (c) See Section 8175-2.1 40' 20' 10' 20' 15' 25' Height may be increased to 35' if each side setback is at least 15' Same as Principal Structure
    CA 40 Acres (c)
    CR 1 Acre 5' 10' 15'
    CRE 20,000 sq. ft.
    CR1 7000 sq. ft. 20' (d)
    RB 3,000 sq. ft. (e) 25' 10' 3' 5' 14' (f) 28', measured to the highest point of the finished roof (i) Height may be increased to 30' for A-frame structures
    RBH (g) 20' (h) 3' (q) 6' (r)
    CRPD As specified by permit As specified by permit See Section 8177-1.3 25' N/A
    HPD 15' (j) 10' 15' 35' (p)
    CC 20,000 sq. ft. (k) (1) (m) 35'
    CM 10 Acres 40' (n) (o)



    See Sections 8175-4.10—8175-4.12 for exceptions.


    See Sections 8175-4 and 8175-5 for exceptions.


    For all proposed land divisions in the COS and CA zones, the parent parcel shall be subject to the following slope/density formula for determining minimum lot area.

    S = (100)(I)(L)


    S = average slope (%)

    I = contour interval (feet)

    L = total length of all contour lines (feet)

    A = total area of the lot (square feet)

    Once the average slope has been computed, the following table shall be used to determine a minimum lot size for all proposed lots (numbers should be rounded to the nearest tenth):

    COS: CA:
    0%—15% = 10 acres 0%—35% = 40 acres
    15.1%—20% = 20 acres Over 35% = 100 acres
    20.1%—25% = 30 acres
    25.1%—35% = 40 acres
    Over 35% = 100 acres


    Exception (CA): Property with a land use designation of "Agriculture" in the Coastal Area Plan that is not prime agricultural land shall have a lot area not less than two hundred (200) acres, regardless of slope.


    Dwellings constructed with carports or garages having a curved or "swing" driveway, with the entrances to the garages or carports facing the side property line, may have a minimum front setback distance of fifteen (15) feet.


    Minimum one thousand five hundred (1,500) sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling unit; maximum two (2) dwelling units per lot.


    If the front setback distance is twenty (20) feet or more, the rear setback distance may be reduced to six (6) feet.


    One thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) sq. ft. per single-family dwelling; three thousand (3,000) sq. ft. per two (2) family dwelling.


    Where there is a two (2) or three (3) storied structure, such second or third stories may intrude not more than four (4) feet into the required front setback. Eaves may extend a maximum of two (2) feet beyond the outside walls of such second or third floor extension.


    See also Section 8175-3.13.


    Five (5) feet for lots used for dwelling purposes, and five (5) feet on any side abutting a residential zone (any zone with an "R" in the title); otherwise, as specified by permit.


    Ten (10) feet if the lot abuts a residential zone on the side; otherwise, as specified by permit.


    Five (5) feet on any side abutting a residential zone. Also, when the rear of a corner lot abuts a residential zone, the side setback distance from the street shall be at least five (5) feet; otherwise, as specified by permit.


    Ten feet if the rear of the lot abuts a residential zone; otherwise, as specified by permit.


    From street: the greater of fifteen (15) feet or fifteen (15) percent of lot width or depth. Interior: the greater of five (5) feet or ten (10) percent of lot width or depth. The Planning Director is authorized to modify or entirely waive the interior setback requirements in cases where such reductions are necessary for efficient utilization of property and will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare, and rail access is provided to the lot.


    No building or structure located within one hundred (100) feet of any property in a residential zone shall exceed sixty (60) feet in height; otherwise, as specified by permit.


    A lower height limit may be required by the permit authorizing the use.


    Exception: Each dwelling unit of a two (2) family dwelling may have a zero (0) side setback distance if constructed on a lot (other than a through lot) of at least three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet in area created prior to February 26, 1987, If that lot is subdivided along a common side wall of the two (2) dwelling units.


    Exception: Each dwelling unit of a two (2) family dwelling may have a zero (0) rear setback distance if constructed on a through lot of at least four thousand (4,0000 square feet in area created prior to February 26, 1987, if that lot is subdivided along a common rear wall of the two (2) dwelling units, and the front setback distance of each resulting lot is at least twenty (20) feet.

(Am. Ord. 4055—2/1/94); Am. Ord. 4378—1/29/08; Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)