§ 8175-5.20.4. Development standards for wireless communication facilities located in the public rights-of-way.  

Latest version.
  • Development standards for wireless communication facilities in the public road rights-of-way shall be used in conjunction with applicable standards in Section 8175-5.20.3 above. In addition to the permit issued by the Planning Division, a wireless communication facility in the public rights-of-way will also require an encroachment permit from the California Department of Transportation or the Ventura County Public Works Agency. This section allows for the placement of wireless communication facilities within public road rights-of-way along existing developed roadways and does not apply to undeveloped public road rights-of-way.


    Within the public road right-of-way, a wireless communication facility shall be designed as a stealth facility pursuant to Section 8172-1, and the facility shall meet the following standards:


    The preferred type of stealth facility is a flush-mounted wireless communication facility on an existing pole(s) (see height standards listed in Section 8175-5.20.3(h)(4)(e) and other standards in Section 8175-5.20.3(k)(3));


    In order to minimize impacts to scenic resources, facility size should be minimized, and physically smaller facilities should be selected over larger facilities when both options provide adequate coverage;


    Facility height shall be minimized, and the height of ground-mounted, wireless communication facilities shall be limited to the minimum height necessary to provide adequate service or coverage, or the height standards listed in Section 8175-5.20.3(h), whichever is less;


    Antenna shall be screened by radio frequency transparent materials, vegetation, existing signs or other elements within the existing setting, unless the screening would substantially increase the visual profile of the antenna or the support structure;


    Equipment boxes or cabinets shall be ground-mounted or located underground within the parkway segment of the public right-of-way, except when such locations would conflict with existing utilities, would conflict with Caltrans freeway on and off-ramps, or result in the removal of ESHA. In such cases, the equipment box or cabinet shall be mounted behind a sign or within an existing structure. Equipment boxes or cabinets also may be mounted on a structure, such as a utility pole, under the following circumstances: (a) the roadway is not identified as an eligible scenic highway, and (b) substantial evidence exists that mounting the equipment on the support structure will not result in visual impacts. Equipment boxes shall be mounted on the existing support structure (e.g., utility pole) pursuant to the standards in Section 8175-5.20.3(p); and


    The wireless communication facility shall not interfere with public access to and along the coastline, or with the operation of any transportation facility, conflict with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, block or reduce coastal access, or obstruct visibility within the public right-of-way.


    Data collection units may be mounted on an existing utility pole (e.g., light pole or electricity transmission line pole) within the public road right-of-way along existing developed roadways, provided that all of the following standards are met:


    Whip antennas do not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in length;


    Solar panels do not exceed six (6) square feet in area;


    Collection unit boxes do not exceed one and one-half (1.5) cubic feet in volume;


    Each data collection unit is sited at least three hundred (300) feet from other data collection units within the same network; and


    The design (materials, colors, shape, etc.) for the data collection unit blends into the surrounding environment through the following methods:


    The collection unit box, non-photovoltaic surfaces of the solar panel, and equipment mounts are designed or painted to match the color of the support structure;


    Batteries are located on the ground or underground; and


    Cables are taut and loops of cables are not exposed.

(Ord. No. 4498, § 3, 12-6-2016)