§ 8175-5.9. Public works facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Public Works facilities are subject to the provisions of this Section and all other provisions of this chapter and the LCP land use plan. The types of facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Roads, reservoirs, drainage channels, watercourses, flood control projects, pump stations, utility lines, septic systems, water wells and water storage tanks.


    New or expanded public works facilities (including roads, flood control measures, water and sanitation) shall be designed to serve only the potential population of the unincorporated and incorporated areas within LCP boundaries, and to eliminate impacts on agriculture, open space lands, and environmentally sensitive habitats.


    New service extensions required beyond the stable urban boundary (as shown on the LCP Land Use Plan maps) must be designed to mitigate any effects on agricultural viability.


    Electrical transmission line rights-of-way shall be routed to minimize impacts on the viewshed in the coastal zone, especially in scenic rural areas, and to avoid locations that are on or near sensitive habitats, or recreational or archaeological resources, whenever feasible. Scarring, grading, or other vegetative removal shall be repaired and the affected areas revegetated with plants similar to those in the area to the extent that safety and economic considerations allow.


    In important scenic areas, where aboveground transmission line placement would unavoidably affect views, undergrounding shall be required where it is technically and economically feasible unless it can be shown that other alternatives are less environmentally damaging. When aboveground facilities are necessary, design and color of the support towers shall be compatible with the surroundings to the extent that safety and economic considerations allow.

(Ord. No. 4451, § 9, 12-11-2012)