§ 8178- Phase II Evaluation.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Where the approved Phase I Report identifies a moderate to high potential for encountering significant archaeological resources in the project area, a Phase II Evaluation of archaeological resources shall be required.


    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Director may waive the preparation of a Phase II Evaluation if all of the following conditions are met:


    Based upon substantial evidence, the Planning Director determines that although the Phase I Inventory indicates the presence of prehistoric or ethnohistoric resources are present, it is unlikely that the project site will contain archaeological resources (as for example, where the site is in an area of low density of artifacts or other remains, the suspected amount of the site deposit to be disturbed is small, or where it appears the artifacts or other remains have been historically redeposited);


    Project applicant provides monitoring of all excavation and trenching by an Archaeologist, Qualified Consultant and qualified Native American monitor, chosen in consultation with the Native American Heritage Commission if the resource is significant to Chumash or Native American prehistory or history; and


    A Qualified Archaeological Consultant prepares a Construction Monitoring Plan that includes the following:

    • Procedures for archaeological and Native American monitoring of all earth-moving activities related to project construction;

    • An action plan for treating discoveries of archeological resources including sampling procedures to be used, data recovery methods to be employed, and the anticipated approach to post-field data analysis and reporting.


    If a Phase II Evaluation is required, the [Qualified Archaeological Consultant] shall provide a written scope of work that details the recording, mapping, and collection procedures, time frames and cost. Prior to initiating the Phase II Evaluation pursuant to Section 8178-, the Planning Director shall review and approve the scope of work.


    During the Phase II Evaluation, the Qualified Archaeological Consultant shall recover sufficient samples to allow the formulation of more complete interpretations regarding the spatial disposition of artifacts across the site, as well as the likely age and function of discreet components or activity areas within the site. The evaluation shall consist of the following:


    Subsurface exploration techniques including hand and/or auger excavations, and shovel test pits or trenches, as determined by the Qualified Archaeological Consultant;


    A delineation of the site boundaries of the archaeological resources;


    A detailed analysis of the material recovered; and


    An assessment of resource integrity.


    Earth disturbing activities associated with the Phase II Evaluation shall be confined to the direct area of the project's potential effects except when otherwise indicated in the approved scope of work.


    Prior to approval of a Planned Development Permit for the project, a final Phase II Evaluation report with recommendations of impact mitigation shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval and shall be filed with the South Central Coastal Information Center (California State University Fullerton) or Regional Historical Resources Information Center.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)