§ 8178-7.7.2. Zoning Clearance.  

Latest version.
  • A Zoning Clearance tree permit application shall be filed with the Planning Division for tree alteration and removal in accordance with Section 8178-7.5.2 and Section 8178- Zoning Clearance applications shall contain the following information and materials:


    Two (2) to four (4) colored photographs of the affected tree proposed to be altered or removed. The photos should be taken from different vantage points, clearly illustrate the reason for the request, and should identify the tree's location relative to nearby vegetation or landmarks.


    Site Sketch or Plan, drawn to scale with north arrow that shows the location and species name of trees to be removed or altered. The Site Sketch or Plan shall include existing development, access, location of protected trees in relation to site improvements, and identification of trees to be altered or removed. If tree removal or alteration is proposed because a tree interferes with an existing sewer line or structure, then the sewer line or structural interference/obstruction shall be shown and labeled on the Site Sketch or Plan. The project plans shall also indicate the tree protected zones for all protected trees and any proposed encroachments.


    Compliance with Section 8178- and the requirement for a bird survey if tree alteration or removal is proposed during the bird breeding and nesting season (January 1 to September 15).


    Arborist verification form, provided by the Planning Division, that includes written confirmation from a qualified biologist, certified arborist or qualified tree consultant that the basic tree information and site conditions described in the application form are correct.


    If necessary, other information will be requested by the Planning Division to determine compliance with this Chapter.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)