§ 8178-8.4.1. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Native drought-tolerant vegetation shall be used for landscaping with the following exceptions:

    • Drought tolerant, non-native, non-invasive vegetation may be used when located within the approved building envelope for discretionary projects.

    • Drought tolerant plants, and fire resistant non-native plants approved by the Ventura County Fire Protection District, may be used in the fuel modification zone except when located within an ESHA buffer.

    • When located in areas not conducive to native plant establishment.

    Invasive plants are prohibited.


    Landscape areas shall include a variety of plant species, heights, colors and textures and shall be installed according to size constraints, spacing requirements and compatibility with the surrounding area.


    The plant palette for a Habitat Restoration Plan shall be restricted to locally-indigenous native vegetation.


    Landscaping shall be sited and designed to protect coastal resources, including ESHA, scenic resources, water quality, and water supply.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)