§ 8178-8.7. Authority to modify or waive landscaping requirements and standards.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    When special circumstances or exceptional characteristics are applicable to the property (size, shape, topography, etc.), the size of the required landscape area may be waived or modified (reduced or increased), except where the modification would have the potential to adversely impact ESHA, scenic resources, or water quality or supply. Facts and circumstances potentially warranting modifications and waivers include, but are not limited to:


    Landscaping of proposed mixed-use developments, where such development is permitted.


    Where additional landscaping is necessary to screen undesirable public views.


    Where additional landscaping is necessary to provide an effective, vegetated transition to adjacent areas designated ESHA.


    Where modifications to a fuel modification zone are required by the County Fire Marshall.


    Where existing structures, exceptionally small lots, or irregularly configured lots, preclude implementation of the minimum landscape area pursuant to Section 8178-8.3.


    Where compliance with the minimum landscape area would result in the loss of existing, required parking spaces due to site size restrictions.


    Reductions to the planter strip width required pursuant to Section 8178-, Landscape Strip.


    For development that cannot be seen from a public viewing areas.


    When evidence is presented to demonstrate that the original plants were not successfully established and that alternative replacement plants meet the standards of this Chapter.


    In areas where the County or California Coastal Commission has declared, by resolution, that a critically short water supply exists that must be maintained for coastal resources or public recreational use thereby prohibiting the construction or extension of any landscaping irrigation system.


    Waivers of landscape standards shall be limited to those justified by the special circumstances identified in subsection (a) above. The applicable County decision-maker may grant a reduction in the minimum landscaping requirements, but in no case shall all landscaping requirements be eliminated, and priority shall be given to planting trees.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)