§ 8111-1.1.2. Zoning clearance with waivers.  

Latest version.
  • Various uses and structures as noted in Sections 8105-4 and 8105-5 may be allowed with a Zoning Clearance if the surrounding property owners and/or residents sign "waivers" concurring with the proposed use or structure. The wording of the waiver shall be determined in accordance with good planning practices by the Planning Director, unless otherwise specified in the Zoning Ordinance, and shall address such issues as the nature and operation of the use or structure, ordinance provisions to be waived, duration of the waiver, extensions, revocation provisions, and the number of parties required to be notified and to sign. Unless otherwise specified in the waiver, a waiver shall be considered completely signed when signatures have been obtained from all of the property owners of the affected property(s) or their authorized agents, and one adult resident from each legal dwelling unit on the affected property(s).

(Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96—grammar; Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00)