§ 8111- Administrative variances by planning director approval.  

Latest version.
  • A request for a minor variance from certain types of zoning regulations may be approved by the Planning Director as an administrative variance, if the standards of Sec. are met. The procedures of Sec. 8111-3 shall be followed. An administrative variance may be granted only in the following situations:


    To allow a decrease not exceeding twenty (20) percent in required minimum setbacks;


    To allow walls, fences or hedges to exceed height limit regulations by a maximum of one foot in setback areas, except in the traffic safety sight area;


    To allow an increase not exceeding ten (10) percent for maximum building coverage, or sign area or height; and


    To allow one of the required parking spaces for a single-family dwelling to be provided in tandem.

    (Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)

(Ord. No. 4407, § 8, 10-20-2009)