§ 8111-2.2. Applications.  

Latest version.
  • Applications may be filed as provided in the following sections:


    Who May Apply—An application for a permit, ordinance amendment or variance may be filed by the owner of the property or his/her authorized agent, by a lessee who holds a lease with terms that permit the use applied for, or by any duly constituted government authority or agent thereof. Regardless of who is the applicant, the property owner shall sign the application.

    (Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)


    Co-applicants—All holders or owners of any other interests of record in the affected property shall be notified in writing of the permit application and invited to join as co-applicant.


    Modification, Suspension and Revocation—An application for modification, suspension or revocation of any variance or permit may be filed by any person listed in the preceding section, or by any person or political entity aggrieved; or by an official department, board or commission of the county affected.


    Amendments to this Chapter—An application to amend this Chapter shall be proposed in accordance with Article 15.


    Appeals—An appeal concerning any order, requirement, permit, determination or decision made in the administration or enforcement of this Chapter may be filed in accordance with Section 8111-7.


    Processing Applications Where Violations Occur—No application request for a new entitlement or time extension of an existing entitlement whose initial term has expired shall be accepted if a violation of Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 exists on the lot, unless the acceptance of the application is necessary to abate the existing violation.

    (Am. Ord.


    Nullification of Applications When Violations Are Discovered—Where a violation is discovered on a lot where an application request has been accepted or is being processed after being deemed complete, said application shall become null and void and returned to the applicant. All new applications shall comply with the provisions of this Chapter including, but not limited to, the filing of Late Filing Fees and the submission of full, true and correct information.


    Completeness of Application—Not later than 30 calendar days after the Planning Division has accepted an application under this Chapter, the applicant shall be notified in writing as to whether the application is complete or incomplete, except in the case of zone changes, which are legislative acts and thus are not subject to the 30-day limit. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the reasons for such determination and of the information needed to make the application complete.


    Review of Supplemental Information—If any application is deemed incomplete and the applicant subsequently submits the required information, the application is then treated as if it were a new filing, and the 30-day review period begins on the day that the supplemental information is submitted.


    Termination of Incomplete Application—Upon written notification to the applicant, processing of an incomplete application may be terminated if no reasonable effort has been made by the applicant to complete the application for a period of six months from the date of notification of incompleteness. All unused fees shall be refunded to the applicant. An extension to this six-month period may be granted by the Planning Director on written request by the applicant showing good cause.