§ 8113-5.5. Expansion of nonconforming uses in the Open Space zone.  

Latest version.
  • Uses that are no longer permitted in the Open Space zone due to changes to zoning regulations approved on March 2, 2010, may be expanded with an Expansion Permit for Nonconforming Uses. An Expansion Permit for Nonconforming Uses may only be granted if all of the following standards are met, or if the Planning Commission imposes conditions and limitations as necessary to allow the following standards to be met:


    The expansion is twenty-five (25) percent or less of the total square footage of the buildings or use area that existed, or were lawfully permitted, on March 2, 2010; and


    The expansion of the use is not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare.

(Ord. No. 4411, § 7, 3-2-2010)