§ 8114-3.4. Monitoring and enforcement costs.  

Latest version.
  • The County may impose fees and charges on permittees as established by resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors, or as established by conditions of the entitlement to cover the full costs incurred by the County or its contractors for the monitoring of permits issued pursuant to this Chapter to ensure compliance with permit conditions and the requirements of this Chapter. Enforcement activities shall be in response to confirmed violations and may include such measures as drafting and implementing compliance agreements, inspections, public reports, penalty hearings, forfeiture of sureties and suspension or modification of permits. The recovery of costs for the abatement of confirmed violations shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, adopted charge rates, applicable compliance agreement terms and other authorized means such as, but not limited to, small claims court and liens on property.

(Am. Ord. 4054—2/1/94)