Article 14. Enforcement and Penalties  

§ 8114-0. Purpose.
§ 8114-1. Pending violations.
§ 8114-2. Penalties.
§ 8114-2.1. Public nuisance.
§ 8114-2.1.1. Exception—Agricultural operations protection.
§ 8114-3. Enforcement.
§ 8114-3.1. Procedure.
§ 8114-3.2. Rights of entry upon land.
§ 8114-3.3. Enforcement of performance standards.
§ 8114-3.4. Monitoring and enforcement costs.
§ 8114-3.5. Frequency of monitoring inspections.
§ 8114-3.6. Notice of violation and notice of noncompliance.
§ 8114-3.6.1. Notice of violation.
§ 8114-3.6.2. Recorded notice of noncompliance.
§ 8114-3.7. Civil administrative penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.1. Notice of impending civil penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.2. Notice of imposition of civil penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.3. Notice of increase in civil penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.4. Factors considered in determining the amount of civil penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.5. Administrative appeal of civil penalties.
§ 8114-3.7.6. Enforcement.
§ 8114-4. Administrative process.
§ 8114-5. Enforcement and penalties for temporary rental units.
§ 8114-5.1. Notice of violation and penalty.
§ 8114-5.2. Civil administrative penalties.
§ 8114-5.3. Permit revocation for cause; two-year permit ineligibility.
§ 8114-5.4. Appeals of violations and civil administrative penalties.
§ 8114-5.5. Administrative hearing process.
§ 8114-5.6. Informal resolution process.

(Am. Ord. 3730—5/7/85)