§ 8114-3.7.2. Notice of imposition of civil penalties.  

Latest version.
  • Once the violation is final and if it has not been corrected by the date stated in the Notice of Impending Civil Penalties or an amendment thereto, then a Notice of Imposition of Civil Penalties shall be served upon the violator.

    The Notice of Imposition of Civil Penalties shall describe the property and state the following for each violation: (1) the amount of the penalty that will accrue daily per violation as determined pursuant to Section 8114-3.7.4 of this article; (2) the date the penalty will begin accruing, which may be the same date the notice is served; (3) that the daily penalty will continue to accrue until the violation is corrected as determined by the Planning Director; (4) that the amount of the daily penalty may be increased in the future if the violation is not corrected; (5) that the accrued penalties are immediately due and owing and that a lien will attach to the property for all unpaid penalties; and (6) that the amount of the daily penalty may be administratively appealed in accordance with Section 8114-3.7.5 of this article within ten (10) days of the date of service of the Notice of Imposition of Civil Penalties.

(Rep. & Reen. Ord. 4354—12/5/06)