§ 8116-2.6.2. Allowance and criteria for granting an additional density bonus.  

Latest version.
  • If the requirements of Section 8116-2.6.1 are met, then the decision-maker for the qualified housing development may grant an additional density bonus of between one (1) percent and fifteen (15) percent, over the amount of density bonus granted pursuant to Sections 8116-2.2.2 and 8116-2.3.2, but not to exceed a total maximum density bonus granted under this Article of fifty (50) percent. In determining whether to grant an additional density bonus and the amount of the additional density bonus, the decision-maker must find that the additional density bonus requested, when combined with the density bonus granted pursuant to Section 8116.2.2.2 or 8116-2.3.2, would not render the proposed qualified housing development incompatible with the character of surrounding, legally established development and would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, or welfare.

(Ord. No. 4455, § 7, 10-22-2013)