§ 8116-7. Density bonus and affordable housing incentive program application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • An application for one (1) or more affordable housing benefits must be submitted as follows:


    Each affordable housing benefit requested must be specifically stated in writing on the application form provided by the County.


    The application must include the information and documents necessary to establish that the requirements of this Article are satisfied for each affordable housing benefit requested, including:


    For density bonus requests, that the requirements of Section 8116-2 are met;


    For incentive requests, that the requirements of Section 8116-3 are met;


    For development standard waiver or modification requests, that the requirements of Section 8116-4 are met; and/or


    For parking standard modification requests, that the requirements of Section 8116-5 are met.


    The application must be submitted concurrently with a complete application for a qualified housing development.


    The application must include a site plan that complies with and includes the following:


    For Senior Citizen Housing Development Projects—The number and location of proposed total units and density bonus units.


    For All Qualified Housing Development Projects Other Than Senior Citizen Housing Development Projects—the number and location of proposed total units, affordable units and density bonus units. The density bonus units are permitted in geographic areas of the qualified housing development other than the areas where the affordable units are located. (Government Code Section 65915(i).)


    The location, design and phasing criteria required by Section 8116-6, including any proposed development standard(s) modifications or waivers pursuant to Section 8116-4.


    The application for a qualified housing development must state the level of affordability of the affordable units and include a proposal for compliance with Section 8116-9 for ensuring affordability.


    If a density bonus is requested for a qualified land donation pursuant to Section 8116-2.5, the application must show the location of the qualified land in addition to including sufficient information to establish that each requirement in Section 8116-2.5 has been met.


    If an additional density bonus or incentive is requested for a child care facility pursuant to Section 8116-2.3 and/or Section 8116-3.3, the application shall show the location and square footage of the child care facility in addition to including sufficient information to establish that each requirement in Section 8116-2.3 and/or Section 8116-3.3 has been met.

    An application for an affordable housing benefit under this Article will not be processed until all of the provisions of this Section are complied with as determined by the Planning Director and shall be processed concurrently with the application for the qualified housing development project for which the affordable housing benefit is sought.

    Prior to the submittal of an application for a qualified housing development, an applicant may submit to the Planning Director a preliminary proposal for affordable housing benefits.

    The Planning Director shall, within ninety (90) days of receipt of a written proposal, notify the applicant of the Planning Director's preliminary response and schedule a meeting with the applicant to discuss the proposal and the Planning Director's preliminary response.

(Ord. No. 4455, § 7, 10-22-2013)