§ 8119-1.1. Introduction.  

Latest version.
  • The Old Town Saticoy Development Code (Development Code) applies to all development, subdivisions and land uses within the boundaries of Old Town Saticoy as established and delineated in the Saticoy Area Plan (see Figure 1.1.2). The Development Code is part of the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO) and is not a substantive part of the Saticoy Area Plan. The Development Code is packaged as an appendix to the Saticoy Area Plan as a convenience to landowners, consultants, and County staff engaged in the preparation and review of development permits within Old Town Saticoy.

    All cross-references to information (e.g., tables, figures and other sub-sections) contained within the ordinance from which this section derives are identified in bold blue text. All cross-references shown in plain text are to other sections in the NCZO.

(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)