§ 8106-5.15. Building additions.  

Latest version.
  • Horizontal or vertical additions to legally existing principal buildings that do not meet current side yard setback requirements may be constructed with the same side setbacks as the existing construction, provided that:


    The existing side yard setback is at least three feet on the side of the expansion; and


    The linear front-to-rear dimension of any such forward or rearward expansion, or combination thereof, does not exceed 75 percent of the existing linear front-to-rear dimension of the nonconformity; and


    New construction that is directly adjacent to existing conforming construction complies with current setback requirements; and

    (Add Ord. 4123—9/17/96)


    No new setback nonconformity is created in a side yard that does not have an existing setback nonconformity; and


    Except for architectural features and similar setback intrusions that have no floor area and are allowed elsewhere in this Article, new construction over ten feet in height shall conform to current setback requirements.

(Add Ord. 4123—9/17/96)