§ 8107-1.3.3. Exterior siding.  

Latest version.
  • Exterior siding of a single-family dwelling shall extend to the ground level, or to the top of the deck or structural platform where the dwelling is supported on an exposed pile foundation complying with the requirements of Sections 2908 and 2909 of the Uniform Building Code, or to the top of a perimeter foundation. For mobilehomes used as caretaker or farmworker dwellings, manufactured mobilehome skirting shall completely enclose the mobilehome, including the tongue, with a color or material that will be compatible with the mobilehome. For any mobilehomes located more than one hundred and fifty (150) feet from all property lines, and more than two hundred (200) feet from a public road, no skirting is required.

(Am. Ord. 4216—10/24/00; Am. Ord. 4281—5/6/03)