Article 7. Standards for Specific Uses  

§ 8107-0. Purpose.
§ 8107-1. Standards relating to dwellings.
§ 8107-1.1. Non-commercial antennas, ground-mounted.
§ 8107-1.2. Home occupations.
§ 8107-1.2.1. No merchandise, produce or other materials or equipment shall be displayed for advertising purposes.
§ 8107-1.2.2. No pedestrian, vehicular customer, or delivery traffic shall be generated by the home occupation that exceeds normal levels for uses allowed by Zoning Clearance in a residential neighborhood, and shall not disrupt traffic patterns in the vicinity of the dwelling.
§ 8107-1.2.3. No signs naming or advertising the home occupation are permitted on or off the premises. Advertising for the home occupation in a telephone book, newspaper or other printed material or on equipment or vehicles associated with the occupation, shall not divulge the dwelling's location.
§ 8107-1.2.4. The use of electrical or mechanical equipment that would create visible or audible interference in radio or television receivers is prohibited.
§ 8107-1.2.5. A home occupation shall be conducted only by members of the household occupying the dwelling, with no other persons employed at the residence.
§ 8107-1.2.6. Home occupations shall not occupy space required for other purposes (off-street parking, interior setbacks, etc.).
§ 8107-1.2.7. For each dwelling unit, there shall be no more than one commercial vehicle (self propelled and/or a towable trailer with equipment) parked on the property or the public right-of-way related to the home occupation except as noted below. Said commercial vehicle or combination of vehicles shall not have a rated gross vehicle weight (GVW) capacity in excess of 10,000 Ibs. A vehicle with external lettering or other script pertaining to the home occupation is considered to be a commercial vehicle. Such lettering or script shall not divulge the dwelling's location. (See Sec. 8108-3.4 for additional parking requirements).
§ 8107-1.2.8. The existence of a home occupation shall not be evident beyond the boundaries of the property on which it is conducted. There shall be no internal or external alterations to the dwelling which are not customarily found in such structures.
§ 8107-1.2.9. Home occupations involving the on-site use or storage of highly toxic materials, as defined in the Uniform Fire Code, are not permitted. Highly toxic materials are those which on short exposure could cause death or serious temporary or residual injury. The on-site use or storage of flammable or other hazardous materials must comply with the requirements of the Ventura County Fire Protection District, pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code, the Health and Safety Code and the Vehicle Code.
§ 8107-1.2.10. Hours of operation for clients shall be limited to 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Business may continue beyond these hours if clients are not present.
§ 8107-1.2.11. The maximum number of clients per day shall be six (6), with no overlap in clients. All clients must be by appointment to allow for control of client overlap.
§ 8107-1.2.12. Off-site client parking shall be limited to one vehicle at a time, parked as close as possible in front of the residence with the home occupation.
§ 8107-1.2.13. On-site parking for clients is allowed, providing that all of the following conditions are met:
§ 8107-1.2.14. Business related deliveries are limited to a maximum of two per week. United States Mail and commercial parcel carriers' deliveries are exempted from this limitation.
§ 8107-1.2.15. The following exemptions from the above standards are allowed providing that the operator obtains a waiver signed by all of the owners or residents of the three closest occupied houses in both directions on the same side of the street, and the seven closest occupied houses on the opposite side of the street. The waiver requirement may be modified by the Planning Director if unique circumstances warrant the action.
§ 8107-1.3. Mobilehomes and manufactured housing.
§ 8107-1.3.1. Construction.
§ 8107-1.3.2. Foundation system.
§ 8107-1.3.3. Exterior siding.
§ 8107-1.4. Left blank intentionally.
§ 8107-1.5. Model homes/lot sales.
§ 8107-1.5.1. The model homes or lots sales are part of an approved tentative map.
§ 8107-1.5.2. Road Plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval.
§ 8107-1.6. Open storage.
§ 8107-1.6.1. There shall be no open storage in any front or street-side setback, or in an area three feet wide along one side lot line.
§ 8107-1.6.2. On lots of 20,000 square feet or smaller, open storage shall not exceed an aggregate area of 200 square feet. On lots greater in area than 20,000 square feet, the aggregate area shall not exceed one percent of the total lot area, up to a maximum of 1,000 square feet. Lots of 40 acres or more in the O-S and A-E zones are permitted a maximum of 2,000 square feet of open storage, provided that all open storage exceeding 1,000 square feet is screened from view from all public rights-of-way within 300 feet of such additional storage area.
§ 8107-1.6.3. With the exception of boats, and unstacked automotive vehicles, the materials shall be limited to a height of six feet.
§ 8107-1.6.4. Open storage must be accessory to the principal use of the property, and not related to any off-site commercial business or activity. Open storage of motor vehicles, boats and trailers is permitted only if they are owned by the resident(s) of the property on which they are stored.
§ 8107-1.6.5. The following are not considered open storage, and are therefore exempt from the above open storage regulations:
§ 8107-1.7. Accessory dwelling units.
§ 8107-1.7.1. Standards for an accessory dwelling unit created within the existing space of a principal dwelling unit or accessory structure.
§ 8107-1.7.2. Standards for all other accessory dwelling units.
§ 8107-1.8. Use of structures for human habitation.
§ 8107-1.9. Accessory bathrooms.
§ 8107-2. Standards relating to animal keeping.
§ 8107-2.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-2.2. General standards.
§ 8107-2.2.1. Containment.
§ 8107-2.2.2. Setbacks/Location.
§ 8107-2.3. Additional standards.
§ 8107-2.3.1. Animal equivalencies.
§ 8107-2.3.2. Weanable age.
§ 8107-2.3.3. Keeping multiple species.
§ 8107-2.3.4. Applicability of lot area requirements.
§ 8107-2.3.5. Wild animals.
§ 8107-2.3.6. Crossbreeds.
§ 8107-2.4. Pet animal standards.
§ 8107-2.4.1. Pet animals in addition to other animal keeping.
§ 8107-2.4.2. Pet animals and assigned animal unit factors.
§ 8107-2.4.3. Allowed number of pet animal units.
§ 8107-2.4.4. Allowed number of security and utility animals.
§ 8107-2.4.5. Calculating the allowed number of pet animals.
§ 8107-2.4.6. Keeping of additional pet animals.
§ 8107-2.5. Animal husbandry/keeping standards.
§ 8107-2.5.1. Animal husbandry/keeping unit factors.
§ 8107-2.5.2. Allowed number of animal husbandry/keeping units.
§ 8107-2.5.3. Calculating the allowed number of animal husbandry/keeping units.
§ 8107-2.5.4. Youth projects.
§ 8107-2.6. Apiculture.
§ 8107-2.6.1. An occupied apiary shall be located or maintained a safe distance from an urbanized area.
§ 8107-2.6.2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Agricultural Commissioner, no occupied apiary shall be located or maintained within:
§ 8107-2.6.3. Adequate available and suitable water supplies shall be maintained on the property near the apiary at all times.
§ 8107-2.7. Vermiculture.
§ 8107-3. Auto, boat, and trailer sales lots.
§ 8107-3.1. No repair or reconditioning of automobiles, trailers or boats shall be permitted unless such work is accessory to the principal retail use and is done entirely within an enclosed building;
§ 8107-3.2. Except for required landscaping, the entire open area of the premises shall be surfaced pursuant to Section 8108-5.9.
§ 8107-4. Mobilehome parks.
§ 8107-4.1. Mobilehome parks shall be developed in accordance with all applicable standards, including density standards (number of dwellings per unit of lot area), of the zone in which the mobilehome park is located.
§ 8107-4.2. A mobilehome park may include, as part of an approved permit, recreational and clubhouse facilities and other accessory uses.
§ 8107-4.3. The minimum distance between structures in a mobilehome park shall be ten feet, except that the minimum distance between accessory structures shall be six feet.
§ 8107-5. Oil and gas exploration and production.
§ 8107-5.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-5.2. Application.
§ 8107-5.3. Definitions.
§ 8107-5.4. Required permits.
§ 8107-5.5. Oil development guidelines.
§ 8107-5.5.1. Permit areas and drill sites should generally coincide and should only be as large as necessary to accommodate typical drilling and production equipment.
§ 8107-5.5.2. The number of drill sites in an area should be minimized by using centralized drill sites, directional drilling and other techniques.
§ 8107-5.5.3. Drill sites and production facilities should be located so that they are not readily seen.
§ 8107-5.5.4. Permittees and operators should share facilities such as, but not limited to, permit areas, drill sites, access roads, storage, production and processing facilities and pipelines.
§ 8107-5.5.5. The following guidelines shall apply to the installation and use of oil and gas pipelines:
§ 8107-5.5.6. Cuts or fills associated with access roads and drill sites should be kept to a minimum to avoid erosion and visual impacts. They should be located in inconspicuous areas, and generally not exceed ten vertical feet. Cuts or fills should be restored to their original grade once the use has been discontinued.
§ 8107-5.5.7. Gas from wells should be piped to centralized collection and processing facilities, rather than being flared, to preserve energy resources and air quality, and to reduce fire hazards and light sources. Oil should also be piped to centralized collection and processing facilities, in order to minimize land use conflicts and environmental degradation, and to promote visual quality.
§ 8107-5.5.8. Wells should be located a minimum of 800 feet from occupied sensitive uses. Private access roads to drill sites should be located a minimum of 300 feet from occupied sensitive uses, unless this requirement is waived by the occupant.
§ 8107-5.5.9. Oversized vehicles should be preceded by lead vehicles, where necessary for traffic safety.
§ 8107-5.5.10. Lighting should be kept to a minimum to approximate normal nighttime light levels.
§ 8107-5.5.11. In the design of new or modified oil and gas production facilities, best accepted practices in drilling and production methods should be utilized, if capable of reducing factors of nuisance and annoyance.
§ 8107-5.6. Oil development standards.
§ 8107-5.6.1. Setbacks.
§ 8107-5.6.2. Obstruction of drainage courses.
§ 8107-5.6.3. Removal of equipment.
§ 8107-5.6.4. Waste handling and containment of contaminants.
§ 8107-5.6.5. Securities.
§ 8107-5.6.6. Dust prevention and road maintenance.
§ 8107-5.6.7. Light emanation.
§ 8107-5.6.8. Reporting of accidents.
§ 8107-5.6.9. Painting.
§ 8107-5.6.10. Site maintenance.
§ 8107-5.6.11. Site restoration.
§ 8107-5.6.12. Insurance.
§ 8107-5.6.13. Noise standard.
§ 8107-5.6.14. Exceptions to noise standard.
§ 8107-5.6.15. Compliance with noise standard.
§ 8107-5.6.16. Preventive noise insulation.
§ 8107-5.6.17. Waiver of preventive noise insulation.
§ 8107-5.6.18. Soundproofing material.
§ 8107-5.6.19. Hours of well maintenance.
§ 8107-5.6.20. Limited drilling hours.
§ 8107-5.6.21. Signs.
§ 8107-5.6.22. Fencing.
§ 8107-5.6.23. General standards.
§ 8107-5.6.24. Screening and landscaping.
§ 8107-5.6.25. Waivers.
§ 8107-5.6.26. Application of sensitive use related standards.
§ 8107-5.6.27. Inspection, enforcement and compatibility review.
§ 8107-6. Agricultural sales facilities.
§ 8107-6.1. General standards.
§ 8107-6.1.1. One agricultural sales facility per lot is allowed.
§ 8107-6.1.2. Wherever feasible, the facility shall be located on land that shall minimally compromise the agricultural production area.
§ 8107-6.1.3. Such facility shall not be located or maintained within 30 feet of any public right-of-way. This setback area shall be kept free to provide for off-street parking.
§ 8107-6.1.4. There shall be safe ingress and egress from the site as determined with review by the Ventura County Public Works Agency.
§ 8107-6.1.5. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the standards set forth in Article 8 under "Agricultural Uses" and shall not encroach upon the public right-of-way.
§ 8107-6.1.6. An agricultural sales facility may have one freestanding sign and one attached sign totaling 45 square feet for both signs in addition to the attached or freestanding sign allowed on the property pursuant to Sec. 8110-5.1 using the Open Space, Agricultural and R-Zone criteria. A sign for an agricultural sales facility may have a commercial message relating to products lawfully for sale at the facility.
§ 8107-6.1.7. Accessory structures to an agricultural sales facility, e.g. coolers and storage sheds, shall not cumulatively exceed the area of the sales structure itself.
§ 8107-6.1.8. Accessory structures to an agricultural sales facility shall not be attached to a sales facility structure, unless the total area of the sales structure and the attached accessory structure do not exceed the allowable square footage for the sales facility structure in question.
§ 8107-6.1.9. Such facilities will be required to meet all of the regulations of all other County agencies with regard to any proposed structures such as public occupancy, sanitary facilities, handicapped access, fire safety, security, etc.
§ 8107-6.1.10. Items sold at an agricultural sales facility may not be processed on site, except for rinsing and trimming. All sales of food products shall be in conformance with state laws.
§ 8107-6.2. Small facilities.
§ 8107-6.2.1. A small agricultural sales facility shall be allowed only if accessory to permitted raising of agricultural products on the same lot on which the facility is located, and only if at least 25 percent of the subject land area is devoted to agricultural production, and where there is a production area of one (1) acre or more.
§ 8107-6.2.2. The total area of such facilities that is devoted to sales and display which are open and accessible to the public shall not exceed 500 square feet. The sale and display area may be within and/or outside a structure.
§ 8107-6.2.3. Unless a Conditional Use Permit has been obtained under Section 8105-4 and the standards of Section 8107-6.3.4 are met, all of the inventory at the facility shall:
§ 8107-6.3. Large facilities.
§ 8107-6.3.1. A large agricultural sales facility shall be allowed only if accessory to permitted raising of agricultural products on the same lot on which the facility is located, or on contiguous lots owned or leased by the same person who owns or leases the lot on which the facility is located, and only if at least 25 percent of the subject land area is devoted to crop production, and where there is a production area of ten acres or more.
§ 8107-6.3.2. The total area devoted to sales and display which are open and accessible to the public shall not exceed 5,000 square feet. The sales and display area may be within and/or outside a structure.
§ 8107-6.3.3. The facility shall have no more than one floor and be no more than twenty (20) feet high.
§ 8107-6.3.4. No more than 20% of the total sales inventory based on square feet of shelf space, sold at the facility shall be any combination of the following;
§ 8107-6.3.5. Such facilities will be required to meet all of the regulations of all other County agencies with regard to any proposed structures such as public occupancy, sanitary facilities, handicapped access, fire safety, security, etc.
§ 8107-6.4. Wholesale nurseries for propagation.
§ 8107-6.4.1. The sales and display area shall be limited to that described in Sec. 8105-4 and may be within and/or outside a structure. While the public may roam throughout the site, only the designated sales and display area may contain priced merchandise or non-agricultural items for sale or display.
§ 8107-6.4.2. The range of accessory and non-agricultural items that may be sold at the site pursuant to Sec. 8105-4 shall not exceed 20% of the inventory, based on the square footage of the sale and display area and shall be limited to any combination of the following:
§ 8107-7. Recreational vehicle parks.
§ 8107-7.1. Development standards:
§ 8107-7.1.1. Minimum lot area for a recreational vehicle park shall be three acres.
§ 8107-7.1.2. Minimum percentage of the net area of each recreational vehicle park which shall be left in its natural state or be landscaped shall be 60 percent.
§ 8107-7.1.3. The maximum size of a recreational vehicle occupying a space in the park shall be 220 square feet of living area. Living area does not include built-in equipment such as wardrobes, closets, cabinets, kitchen units or fixtures, or bath and toilet rooms.
§ 8107-7.1.4. Building height and setbacks shall be as prescribed in the applicable zone, except where Title 25 of the California Administrative Code is more restrictive.
§ 8107-7.1.5. No recreational vehicle or accessory building shall be located less than six feet from any other recreational vehicle or accessory building on an adjacent space.
§ 8107-7.1.6. The distance from any picnic table to a toilet should be not less than 100 feet nor more than 300 feet.
§ 8107-7.1.7. All setbacks from streets and other areas in a recreational vehicle park not used for driveways, parking, buildings or service areas shall be landscaped.
§ 8107-7.1.8. Trash collection areas shall be adequately distributed and enclosed by a six-foot-high landscape screen, solid wall or fence, which is accessible on one side.
§ 8107-7.1.9. The minimum size of each recreational campsite shall be 1,000 square feet, and the minimum width shall be 25 feet.
§ 8107-7.1.10. Any of the foregoing standards may be modified subject to the provisions of Title 25, if evidence presented to the decision-making authority establishes that such modification is necessary to ensure compatibility with the established environmental setting.
§ 8107-7.1.11. The maximum number of trailer spaces per net acre of land shall be 18, unless a lower maximum is specified in the Conditional Use Permit for the park.
§ 8107-7.2. Site design criteria:
§ 8107-7.2.1. Each space should have a level, landscaped front yard area with picnic table and a grill or campfire ring.
§ 8107-7.2.2. The office should be located near the entrance, which should also be the exit.
§ 8107-7.2.3. The site should be designed to accommodate both tent and vehicle campers (travel trailers, truck campers, camping trailers, motor homes) and shall be designed so as to minimize conflicts between vehicles and people.
§ 8107-7.2.4. Drive-through spaces should be provided for towed trailers.
§ 8107-7.2.5. Walls or landscaped earthen berms should be used to minimize noise from highway sources.
§ 8107-7.2.6. Utility conduits shall be installed underground in conformance with applicable State and local regulations.
§ 8107-.2.7. Intensity of development in Los Padres National Forest shall not exceed permissible standards of the United States Forest Service Manual, April, 1970, Title 2300, Recreation Management, experience level three, as may be amended from time to time, unless evidence presented to the decision-making authority demonstrates a necessity and desirability to deviate from such standards, or unless otherwise specified in this ordinance.
§ 8107-7.2.8. Roadways and vehicle pads shall not be permitted in areas of natural slope inclinations greater than 15 percent or where grading would result in slope heights greater than ten feet and steeper than 2:1.
§ 8107-7.2.9. Where needed to enhance aesthetics or to ensure public safety, a fence, wall, landscape screen, earth mound or other screening approved by the Planning Director shall enclose the park.
§ 8108-7.2.10. Each site plan should also incorporate a recreational or utility building, laundry facilities and an entrance sign, made from natural materials, which blends with the landscape.
§ 8107-7.2.11. Each park shall be provided with sewer connections or dump stations, or a combination thereof, to serve the recreational vehicles.
§ 8107-7.3. Additional provisions:
§ 8107-7.3.1. Each park may include a commercial establishment on-site, not exceeding 500 square feet of floor area, for the sole use of park residents.
§ 8107-7.3.2. Each park is permitted one on-site mobilehome to be used solely for the management and operation of the park, pursuant to Title 25 of the California Administrative Code.
§ 8107-7.3.3. No permanent building or cabana shall be installed or constructed on any trailer space; however, portable accessory structures and fixtures are permitted.
§ 8107-7.3.4. No travel trailers, trailer coaches, motor homes, campers or tents shall be offered for sale, lease or rent within a recreational vehicle park.
§ 8107-7.3.5. Off-road motor vehicle uses which might cause damage to vegetation or soil stability shall not be permitted.
§ 8107-7.3.6. The maximum time of occupancy for any family or recreational vehicle within any recreational vehicle park shall be 90 days within any 120-day period.
§ 8107-8. Restaurants, bars and taverns.
§ 8107-9. Mining and reclamation.
§ 8107-9.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-9.2. Application.
§ 8107-9.3. Definitions.
§ 8107-9.4. Required permits.
§ 8107-9.5. Mining and reclamation guidelines.
§ 8107-9.5.1. All mining and reclamation shall be consistent with the County General Plan, the Ventura County Water Management Plan, and the State Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (SMARA), as amended, and State policy adopted pursuant to SMARA.
§ 8107-9.5.2. Mining and accessory uses of less than one year in duration may not be renewed nor shall such uses be allowed to continue operating beyond one year after the inauguration of the land use entitlement.
§ 8107-9.5.3. No provisions in this Chapter or in the County General Plan shall be construed to encourage any mining operation or facility which would endanger the public's health, safety or welfare, which would endanger private or public facilities or which would prohibit the alleviation of a hazard by hampering or precluding such activities as the maintenance, restoration or construction of public works facilities.
§ 8107-9.5.4. In general, projects shall be located, designed, operated and reclaimed so as to minimize their adverse impact on the physical and social environment, and on natural resources. o this end, dust, noise, vibration, noxious odors, intrusive light, aesthetic impacts, traffic impacts and other factors of nuisance and annoyance, erosion, and flooding shall be minimized or eliminated through the best accepted mining and reclamation practices, applicable to local conditions, which are consistent with contemporary principles and knowledge of resource management, stormwater quality, groundwater quality and quantity, flood control engineering and flood plain management.
§ 8107-9.5.5. All surface mining activities shall strike a reasonable balance with other resource priorities such as water, farmland, fish and wildlife and their habitat, groundwater recharge, sediment for replenishment of beaches and the protection of public and private structures and facilities.
§ 8107-9.5.6. The extraction of aggregate resources in rivers and streams shall allow for the ongoing maintenance of viable riparian ecology by preserving as many natural stream elements as practical. Mining operations may provide for the enhancement of some riparian ecosystems as a mitigation to compensate for significant adverse environmental effects on other riparian ecosystems, thereby preserving the overall quality of the riparian environment.
§ 8107-9.5.7. Appropriate and reasonable monitoring and enforcement measures shall be imposed on each mining operation which will ensure that all permit conditions, guidelines and standards of Sec. 107-9 et seq. are fulfilled.
§ 8107-9.5.8. Reclamation of a site shall include the removal of equipment and facilities and the restoration of the site so that it is readily adaptable for alternate land uses(s) which is consistent with the approved reclamation plan as well as the existing and proposed uses in the general area. eclamation shall be conducted in phases on an ongoing basis, where feasible.
§ 8107-9.5.9. All mining and reclamation with direct significant effects on resources within the coastal zone shall consider the effect on coastal zone resources including anadramous fish runs, sand supply, and coastal wetland, stream and marine resources.
§ 8107-9.5.10. Reclamation shall be considered complete when the standards, specified in the approved reclamation plan, have been successfully completed to the satisfaction of the State Department of Conservation and the County.
§ 8107-9.6. Mining and reclamation standards.
§ 9.6.1. General mining standards.
§ 9.6.2. Setbacks.
§ 8107-9.6.3. Obstruction of drainage courses.
§ 9.6.4. Control of contaminants, runoff and siltation.
§ 8107-9.6.5. Dust prevention.
§ 8107-9.6.6. Light emanation.
§ 8107-9.6.7. Painting.
§ 8107-9.6.8. Site maintenance.
§ 8107-9.6.9. Reclamation plan.
§ 8107-9.6.10. Removal of quipment, facilities and structures.
§ 8107-9.6.11. Application of sensitive use related standards.
§ 8107-9.6.12. Exceptions to standards.
§ 8107-9.6.13. Waivers of standards.
§ 8107-9.6.14. Reporting of accidents.
§ 8107-9.6.15. Contact person.
§ 8107-9.6.16. Current mining plans.
§ 8107-9.6.17. Permit review.
§ 8107-9.6.18. Enforcement costs.
§ 8107-9.6.19. Civil penalties.
§ 8107-9.6.20. Performance securities.
§ 8107-9.6.21. Insurance.
§ 8107-9.6.22. Noise standards.
§ 8107-9.6.23. Exceptions to noise standard.
§ 8107-9.7. Interim Management Plan standards.
§ 8107-9.7.1. General standards for Interim Management Plan (IMP).
§ 8107-9.7.2. Financial assurance for Interim Management Plan (IMP).
§ 8107-9.7.3. Approval procedure for Interim Management Plan (IMP).
§ 8107-9.7.4. Expiration of Interim Management Plan (IMP).
§ 8107-9.8. Agricultural mining site.
§ 8107-9.8.1. It has been determined by the County, in conjunction with the State Mining and Geology Board, that the Agricultural Mining Site is exempt from the requirements of the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act pursuant to PRC § 2714(f), or a reclamation plan and financial assurances must be approved pursuant to Sec. 8107-9 et seq.
§ 8107-9.8.2. Signed waivers, on forms provided by the County, from the applicable property owners/residents, as determined by the Planning Director, pursuant to Sec. 8111-1.1.2 have been provided.
§ 8107-9.8.3. There is an approved Grading permit or Hillside Erosion Control plan for the project, if required.
§ 8107-9.8.4. The area or areas in question have an average existing slope of less than 20 percent.
§ 8107-9.8.5. The amount of material exported from the site is in keeping with good engineering practices as determined by the County Public Works Agency.
§ 8107-9.8.6. The permittee shall provide the Planning Director with the current name(s) and/or position title, address and phone number of the person who shall receive all orders, notices and communications regarding matters of code compliance. The person(s) in question shall be available by phone during the hours that activities occur on the permit site, even if this means 24 hours a day.
§ 8107-9.8.7. The amount of material to be removed does not exceed 40,000 cubic yards of earthen material.
§ 8107-9.8.8. The proposed project is the only such agricultural mining site that may be approved on the subject legal lot.
§ 8107-9.8.9. There shall be no more than 50 one-way truck trips per operating day. Any haul truck arriving at the site shall count as one (1) one-way vehicle trip and any haul truck departing the site shall count as one (1) one-way vehicle trip (i.e., one (1) round-trip equals two (2) one-way trips).
§ 8107-9.8.10. The project shall cease after one year from the date the permit is issued.
§ 8107-9.8.11. Truck hauling shall be limited to six days per week, excluding Sundays, and shall occur only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
§ 8107-9.8.12. All trucks leaving the site must be constructed, covered, or loaded to prevent any of its contents from dropping, sifting, leaking, blowing, spilling, or otherwise escaping from the vehicle onto a private or public roadway.
§ 8107-9.8.13. Material shall not be stockpiled on or hauled through or within 100 feet of areas such as wetlands, riparian habitat or other environmentally sensitive areas.
§ 8107-9.8.14. The permittee has a program that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the following factors have been adequately addressed:
§ 81079.8.15. Removal of material is integral to conduct agricultural operations, and is beneficial for the development or enhancement of a bone fide farming operation on the site, as determined by the Planning Director, in consultation with County agricultural authorities (i.e., Agricultural Commissioner's Office, Farm Advisor, etc.). In making this determination the Planning Director shall use the following guidelines among others, where applicable:
§ 8107-10. Veterinary clinics.
§ 8107-11. Filming activities.
§ 8107-11.1. Occasional filming activities, without waivers.
§ 8107-11.2. Occasional filming activities, with waivers
§ 8107-11.2.1. Filming activities which exceed any of the thresholds listed in Sec. 8107-11.1.a-f may be approved with a Zoning Clearance serving as a ministerial Film Permit when the applicant can provide signed waiver statements, in a form acceptable to the Planning Director, attesting to agreement with the activities from fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the total of the following parties which may be affected by the activities:
§ 8107-11.2.2. Waivers shall be counted as follows:
§ 8107-11.2.3. Filming activities lasting less than 90 calendar days in any 180-day period and which exceed the thresholds listed in Sec. 8107-11.1.g and h may be approved with a Zoning Clearance, which will serve as a ministerial Film Permit, when the applicant can provide documentation confirming to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the activity is being regulated by some other agency having authority over that issue.
§ 8107-11.2.4. Notification of residents and property owners beyond that which is required by Sec. 8107-11.2.1 may be required as determined by the Planning Director.
§ 8107-11.3. Discretionary permit.
§ 8107-11.4. Authority.
§ 8107-12. Outdoor sales and services, temporary.
§ 8107-13. Christmas tree sales.
§ 8107-14. Temporary buildings during construction.
§ 8107-14.1. Temporary offices during construction.
§ 8107-14.2. Temporary housing during construction.
§ 8107-14.3. Temporary housing prior to reconstruction.
§ 8107-15. Storage of building materials, temporary.
§ 8107-16. Campgrounds.
§ 8107-16.1. Minimum lot area shall be three acres.
§ 8107-16.2. At least 75 percent of the total site shall be left in its natural state or be landscaped. The remaining 25 per cent land is eligible for development.
§ 8107-16.3. Each individual camp site shall be no less than 1000 sq. ft. and there shall be no more than 9 sites per developable acre. Group camp sites shall be designed to accommodate no more than 25 people per acre.
§ 8107-16.4. Where needed to enhance aesthetics or to ensure public safety, a fence, wall, landscaping screen, earth mound or other screening approved by the Planning Director shall enclose the campground.
§ 8107-16.5. Utility conduits shall be installed underground in conformance with applicable State and local regulations.
§ 8107-16.6. The design of structures and facilities, and the site as a whole shall be in harmony with the natural surroundings to the maximum feasible extent.
§ 8107-16.7. Trash collection areas shall be adequately distributed and enclosed by a six-foot-high landscape screen, solid wall or fence, which is accessible on one side.
§ 8107-16.8. Off-road motor vehicle uses are not permitted.
§ 8107-16.9. The following standards apply to structures on the site, apart from the personal residence(s) of the property owner, campground director/manager, or caretaker:
§ 8107-16.9.1. Structures are limited to restrooms/showers and a clubhouse for cooking and/or minor recreational purposes.
§ 8107-16.9.2. There shall not be more than one set of enclosed, kitchen-related fixtures.
§ 8107-6.9.3. There shall be no buildings that are used or intended to be used for sleeping.
§ 8107-16.10. Campgrounds may include minor accessory recreational uses such as swimming pools (limit one) and tennis courts.
§ 8107-16.11. Outdoor tent-camping is permitted.
§ 8107-16.12. No hook-ups for recreational vehicles are allowed.
§ 8107-16.13. Occupation of the site by a guest shall not exceed 30 consecutive days.
§ 8107-16.14. Parking standards.
§ 8107-17. Camps.
§ 8107-17.0. Protection of Sensitive Biological Habitats.
§ 8107-17.1. Minimum lot area shall be ten acres on property zoned Rural Agriculture (R-A) and Rural Exclusive (R-E). Minimum lot area shall be fifty (50) acres on property zoned Open Space (O-S).
§ 8107-17.2. Overnight population of guests and staff shall be limited by the following calculations. These standards shall apply to staff employed for camp activities. Where an employee is engaged in both camp and working ranch activities, the employee's time shall be counted as 0.5 staff for calculating the staff limitation for camps. If an employee is not engaged in camp activities, none of the employee's time shall be applied to the staff limitation for camps.
§ 8107-17.2.1. Camps on property zoned Rural Agricultural (R-A)—lot size in acres × 2.56 = the maximum number of persons to be accommodated overnight.
§ 8107-17.2.2. Camps on property zoned Rural Exclusive (R-E)—lot size in acres × 10.24 = the maximum number of persons to be accommodated overnight.
§ 8107-17.2.3. Camps on property zoned Open Space (O-S)—lot size in acres × 0.25 = the maximum number of persons to be accommodated overnight. There shall be a maximum overnight population limit of two hundred and fifty (250) guests and staff.
§ 8107-17.3. Total daily on-site population of guests and staff shall be limited by the following calculations:
§ 8107-17.3.1. Camps zoned Rural Agricultural (R-A)—5.12 × lot size in gross acres = total population allowed on site.
§ 8107-17.3.2. Camps zoned Rural Exclusive (R-E)—20.48 × lot size in gross acres = total population allowed on site.
§ 8107-17.3.3. Camps zoned Open Space (O-S)—0.5 × lot size in gross acres = total population allowed on site. There shall be a maximum daily population limit of five hundred (500) guests and staff, except as permitted in Section 8107-17.3.4 of this chapter.
§ 8107-17.3.4. A larger total daily population may be allowed for special events, the frequency to be determined by the camp's use permit.
§ 8107-17.4. Building intensity shall be limited by the following standards. These standards shall apply to structures used for camp activities. Where a structure is used for both camp and working ranch activities, one-half of that structure shall be applied to the square footage limitation for camps. If a structure is not used for camp activities, it shall not be considered in the square footage limitations for camps.
§ 8107-17.4.1. Overnight accommodations.
§ 8107-17.4.2. All other roofed structures or buildings.
§ 8107-17.4.3. The residence(s) of a limited number of permanent staff such as the director, manager or caretaker are exempt from the limitations of Section 8107-17.4.1 of this chapter (Overnight Accommodations).
§ 8107-17.4.4. Since the two building intensity standards (Overnight and Total Daily) address distinctly different facilities, they shall not be interchangeable or subject to borrowing or substitutions.
§ 8107-17.4.5. For camps/guest ranches located in the Open Space (O-S) zone, no single structure shall exceed twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet in area, and the total area of all structures used for camp/guest ranch purposes shall be limited to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet.
§ 8107-17.5. Camp facilities shall have adequate sewage disposal and domestic water.
§ 8107-17.6. Camp facility lighting shall be designed so as to not produce a significant amount of light and/or glare at the first offsite receptive use.
§ 8107-17.7. Camp facilities shall be developed in accordance with applicable County standards so as to not produce a significant amount of noise.
§ 8107-17.8. Occupation of the site by a guest shall not exceed thirty (30) consecutive days.
§ 8107-17.9. To ensure that the site remains an integral and cohesive unit, specific methods such as the following should be employed on a case-by-case basis: open space easements; CC&R's that restrict further use of the land, with the County as a third party; low density zoning to prevent subdivision of the site; and/or merger of parcels to create one parcel covering the entire site.
§ 8107-17.10. To avoid the loss of the site's natural characteristics several methods should be employed on a case-by-case basis to preserve these values: sixty percent (60%) of the total site should remain in its natural state or be in agriculture.
§ 8107-17.11. Parking standards.
§ 8107-17.12. The camp facility project description shall address transportation to and from and within the project site, including the types of vehicles, and road and trail locations.
§ 8107-18. Retreats.
§ 8107-18.1. The minimum lot size for a retreat is five (5) acres.
§ 8107-18.2. A retreat shall not have sleeping accommodations for more than 20 people, inclusive of staff and guests.
§ 8107-18.3. Retreat guests shall be limited to a stay of no more than a total of 60 days in a calendar year.
§ 8107-18.4. Floor area shall be limited to the following:
§ 8107-18.5. No retreat structures shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet, unless authorized by the use permit.
§ 8107-18.6. A retreat may include minor accessory recreational facilities such as horse facilities, equestrian trails, hot tubs, one swimming pool, and one tennis court.
§ 8107-18.7. Structures related to a retreat shall be set back at least 100 feet from public roads. Foliage and natural topography shall be used to the maximum feasible extent for screening of retreat structures from public rights-of-way and from residential uses on adjacent properties.
§ 8107-18.8. Lighting for nighttime activities shall be directed away from adjacent properties.
§ 8107-19. Golf courses.
§ 8107-20. Agricultural buildings.
§ 8107-20.1. Calculating GFA for agricultural buildings.
§ 8107-20.2. Agricultural shade/mist structures.
§ 8107-20.3. Agricultural offices.
§ 8107-20.3.1. An agricultural office up to 700 square feet in gross floor area that is located on the same lot as the principal agricultural use, or on an adjacent lot under the same ownership, and that meets one or more of the following criteria, is permitted by Zoning Clearance:
§ 8107-20.3.2. Agricultural offices not meeting the above criteria (a, b or c) may be permitted pursuant to a Planning Director-approved Conditional Use Permit.
§ 8107-20.3.3. The gross floor area of the agricultural office shall be counted toward the cumulative gross floor area permitted for accessory structures on the lot, pursuant to Sec.8105-4.
§ 8107-21. Temporary pet vaccination clinics.
§ 8107-21.1. Any such clinic shall operate no more than one day in any 90-day period within a one-mile radius of a previously conducted temporary clinic.
§ 8107-21.2. Such clinics shall provide preventive medical care only, and shall not diagnose or treat injured, sick or diseased animals, except to the extent necessary to provide immunization or vaccination.
§ 8107-21.3. All vaccinations shall be performed inside a trailer or other portable structure.
§ 8107-21.4. Such clinics shall provide their services only during daylight hours.
§ 8107-21.5. Such clinics shall not disrupt normal traffic flows, and shall not result in the blocking of public rights-of-way or parking area aisles, except as allowed by permit. All related materials and facilities shall be removed on the departure of the clinic.
§ 8107-21.6. Facilities for the treatment and disposal of urine and fecal wastes attributable to the clinic shall be provided and utilized as necessary to keep the clinic and areas within a 100-foot radius thereof clean and free of flies and odors.
§ 8107-21.7. Sufficient staff, other than those administering vaccinations, shall be available at the expense of the clinic operator to control crowds, assist with the handling of animals and keep the area clean. At least two such staff shall be provided in all cases.
§ 8107-22. Stockpiling of construction related debris and/or fill material for non-agricultural operations.
§ 8107-22.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-22.2. Application.
§ 8107-22.3. Required permits.
§ 8107-22.4. Standards for stockpiling construction related debris and/or fill material.
§ 8107-22.4.1. Signed waivers.
§ 8107-22.4.2. Contact person.
§ 8107-22.4.3. Site maintenance.
§ 8107-22.4.4. Storage of equipment and vehicles.
§ 8107-22.4.5. Debris control.
§ 8107-22.4.6. Erosion control.
§ 8107-22.4.7. Prevention of fugitive dust.
§ 8107-22.4.8. Stability of stockpile.
§ 8107-22.4.9. Height of stockpile.
§ 8107-22.4.10. Hours of operation.
§ 8107-22.4.11. Noise standards.
§ 8107-22.4.12. Environmentally sensitive areas.
§ 8107-22.4.13. Site restoration.
§ 8107-23. Nonmotorized wheeled conveyance facilities and uses.
§ 8107-23.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-23.2. Application.
§ 8107-23.2.1. Facilities less than 42 inches in height above adjacent finished grade level, which cover less than 32 square feet of aggregate ground area, and do not have a platform on which to stand, are exempt from the requirements of Sections 8107-23 through 8107-23.10. Such exempt facilities must otherwise meet the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
§ 8107-23.2.2. Those facilities not exempt may be permitted upon issuance of a Zoning Clearance provided all standards of this chapter are met.
§ 8107-23.2.3. Facilities that exceed the standards set forth in Sections 8107-23.3 through 8107-23.7 may be authorized by a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Planning Director.
§ 8107-23.3. Size.
§ 8107-23.4. Setbacks.
§ 8107-23.4.1. All facilities shall be set back a minimum of 6 feet from all other structures.
§ 8107-23.4.2. All facilities shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines with an additional 5 feet of setback required for each 1 foot increase of height over 6 feet above adjacent finished grade level.
§ 8107-23.4.3. Facilities shall not be located in the area between the public or private right of way and the front of the residence on the site, unless the facility is not visible from the public or private right of way or neighboring dwellings and otherwise conforms to the applicable setback requirements.
§ 8107-23.5. Construction standards.
§ 8107-23.5.1. The sides of all facilities that are above ground shall be enclosed with a solid material, such as plywood.
§ 8107-23.5.2. Spaces between finished grade and the lower, horizontal surfaces of the facility shall be filled with earth or other suitable solid material.
§ 8107-23.5.3. The backs of all surfaces not affected by Section 8107-23.5.2 shall be padded with sound absorbing material such as carpeting.
§ 8107-23.5.4. Facilities may be painted, stained, or left in their natural finish. Posters, banners, handbills, bumper stickers, or advertising materials of any kind shall not be affixed to the facility, if visible from neighboring properties.
§ 8107-23.6. Number of persons.
§ 8107-23.7. Hours of operation.
§ 8107-23.8. Maintenance.
§ 8107-23.9. Removal.
§ 8107-23.10. Hold harmless.
§ 8107-23.11. Compensation.
§ 8107-24. Caretaker recreational vehicle, accessory.
§ 8107-25. Tree protection regulations.
§ 8107-25.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-25.2. Definitions.
§ 8107-25.3. General requirements.
§ 8107-25.4. Exemptions.
§ 8107-25.5. Minimum requirements for tree alteration, felling or removal without a tree permit.
§ 8107-25.6. Ministerial tree permits and standards.
§ 8107-25.7. Discretionary tree permits and standards.
§ 8107-25.7.1. a. A heritage or historical tree is to be felled or removed from the site and its continued existence in its present form and/or location denies reasonable access to the subject property and/or the approved construction, maintenance, or use in a manner permitted by the zoning on said property.
§ 8107-25.7.2. The alteration, felling, and/or removal of trees is to further commercial agricultural purposes and all of the following applicable standards can be met:
§ 8107-25.7.3. The tree alteration, felling, and/or removal, is to further timber growing and harvesting, is not regulated by the California Forest Practices Act, and all of the following applicable standards can be met:
§ 8107-25.7.4. The tree alteration, felling, and/or removal is part of a larger project which, as conditioned, would on balance result in significant benefits to the public and if:
§ 8107-25.7.5. The Protected Tree has been recently altered or felled without the required permit and a person seeks to remove the tree, roots or limbs from the lot.
§ 8107-25.8. Tree permit applications and supporting information.
§ 8107-25.9. Tree protection guidelines.
§ 8107-25.10. Offsets for altered, felled, or removed trees.
§ 8107-25.10.1. Exemptions from offsets.
§ 8107-25.10.2. Tree offset standards.
§ 8107-25.11. Appeals of tree permit decisions.
§ 8107-25.12. Violations, enforcement procedures and penalties.
§ 8107-26. Farm worker and animal caretaker dwelling units.
§ 8107-26.1. Quantities.
§ 8107-26.2. Dwelling unit size.
§ 8107-26.3. Farmworker and animal caretaker employment criteria.
§ 8107-26.4. Annual verification of farmworker or animal caretaker employment.
§ 8107-26.5. Enforcement of farmworker and animal caretaker employment criteria.
§ 8107-27. Cemeteries.
§ 8107-28. Radio stations.
§ 8107-29. Motocross racetrack facilities and uses.
§ 8107-29.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-29.2. Application.
§ 8107-29.3. Minimum standards.
§ 8107-29.4. Minimum siting criteria.
§ 8107-29.4.1. Motocross tracks shall not be allowed in any of the following locations:
§ 8107-29.4.2. Any property proposed for the siting of such tracks and facilities shall be located:
§ 8107-29.5. Setbacks.
§ 8107-29.6. Construction and operating standards.
§ 8107-30. Mobile food facilities.
§ 8107-30.1. Mobile food facilities, referred to herein as "facilities," other than those addressed in Sec. 8107-30.2 are subject to the following standards:
§ 8107-30.1.1. Where such facilities do not remain at the same location for more than 30 minutes at a time, and sell food to employees (during the workday), students (during class hours) and residents on the same lot as that on which the facility is parked or situated, or on lots adjacent thereto, or if such facilities are parked on public property, they are allowed in all zones and are exempt from Zoning Clearance requirements.
§ 8107-30.1.2. Such facilities that remain in one location for more than 30 minutes at a time are permitted in commercial and industrial zones only, and are subject to the following standards:
§ 8107-30.2. Mobile food facilities that are parked on the site of and sell food during a permitted swap meet, carnival, outdoor festival or similar event are exempt from Zoning Clearance requirements, but must be removed when the event ceases.
§ 8107-31. Recreational vehicle/mini-storage.
§ 8107-31.1. Lot area.
§ 8107-31.2. Building design.
§ 8107-31.3. Building separation.
§ 8107-31.4. Building height.
§ 8107-31.5. Setbacks.
§ 8107-31.6. Fences and walls.
§ 8107-31.7. Landscaping.
§ 8107-31.8. Parking.
§ 8107-31.9. Office.
§ 8107-31.10. Noise and lighting.
§ 8107-31.11. Accessory uses.
§ 8107-31.12. On-site sales.
§ 8107-31.13. Screening of roof equipment.
§ 8107-31.14. Lease agreements.
§ 8107-31.15. Graffiti.
§ 8107-31.16. Vehicle storage.
§ 8107-31.17. Prohibited activities.
§ 8107-32. Correctional institutions.
§ 8107-32.1. Minimum lot area shall be thirty (30) acres.
§ 8107-33. Agricultural promotional uses.
§ 8107-33.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-33.2. Range of uses.
§ 8107-33.3. Standards.
§ 8107-33.3.1. The principal use on the site is agriculture and the promotional use is clearly subordinate and accessory to the agricultural use in that:
§ 8107-33.3.2. The use shall meet the standards set forth in Section 8111- regardless of the zoning designation on the property.
§ 8107-33.3.3. The use is complementary to and promotes the agricultural uses on the land or in the county in that the use relies on the agricultural setting as a principal inducement for people to come to the site, or generally involves authentic agricultural themes, equipment, characters, etc., e.g. farm animals and not wild animals, farm tractors and not sports cars.
§ 8107-33.3.4. Uses which are not allowed as a principal use, e.g. bed-and-breakfast inns or restaurants, are not allowed as accessory uses under this section.
§ 8107-33.3.5. The facilities will be required to meet all of the regulations of all other County agencies with regard to any proposed structures such as public occupancy, sanitary facilities, handicapped access, fire safety, security, etc.
§ 8107-34. Animal shade structures.
§ 8107-35. Botanic gardens and arboreta.
§ 8107-35.1. Minimum permit area.
§ 8107-35.2. Gift shops.
§ 8107-35.3. Site design.
§ 8107-35.3.1. For properties located in the Open Space (O-S) zone, roofed structures shall be limited to a total maximum area of five hundred (500) square feet per acre, but not to exceed twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet per site. Types of roofed structures allowed are limited to information centers/kiosks, administrative offices, restrooms, a gift shop, and maintenance/storage facilities. Greenhouses and hothouses are specifically exempted from the square footage limitation.
§ 8107-35.3.2. Structures and irrigated landscapes should be designed and landscaped to prevent encroachment of non-native species into natural areas. Buffer zones of up to six hundred (600) feet may be required.
§ 8107-35.3.3. Fire clearance areas should not diminish the natural areas but should be incorporated into the project site.
§ 8107-35.3.4. Runoff of water, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and the like should be contained to avoid or mitigate significant impacts to natural areas.
§ 8107-35.3.5. Native plants, preferably from within the same watershed, should be used whenever possible to avoid or mitigate significant genetic impacts on the local flora.
§ 8107-35.3.6. While the use of non-native plants may be appropriate in some instances, they should not replace native flora. Opportunities to restore native habitat should be sought out.
§ 8107-35.3.7. Invasive plants, whether native or introduced, are not permitted. Invasive plants shall be those on List A and List B maintained by the California Invasive Plant Council.
§ 8107-36. Regulations governing waste handling, waste disposal and recycling facilities, organics processing operations and waste hauling yards.
§ 8107-36.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-36.2. Definitions.
§ 8107-36.3. Standards relating to waste handling, waste disposal and recycling facilities.
§ 8107-36.3.1. General standards.
§ 8107-36.3.2. Recyclables collection centers.
§ 8107-36.3.3. Recyclables collection and processing facilities.
§ 8107-36.3.4. Temporary collection activities.
§ 8107-36.3.5. Reuse salvage facilities.
§ 8107-36.3.6. Recyclable household/CESQG hazardous waste collection facilities.
§ 8107-36.3.7. Recyclable household/CESQG hazardous waste collection facilities, accessory.
§ 8107-36.3.8. Household/CESQG hazardous waste collection facilities and hazardous waste collection, treatment and storage facilities.
§ 8107-36.3.9. Waste processing facilities and waste transfer stations.
§ 8107-36.3.10. Disposal facilities, solid waste.
§ 8107-36.3.11. Disposal facilities, hazardous waste.
§ 8107-36.3.12. Waste collection and processing activities to mitigate an emergency.
§ 8107-36.4. Standards relating to organics processing operations (includes biosolids, composting, vermicomposting, and chipping and grinding).
§ 8107-36.4.1. General standards.
§ 8107-36.4.2. On-site composting operations, medium- and large-scale.
§ 8107-36.4.3. Commercial organics processing operations, small- and medium-scale.
§ 8107-36.4.4. Commercial organics processing operations, large-scale, and all biosolids composting operations.
§ 8107-36.5. Waste hauling yards.
§ 8107-37. Cultural heritage site.
§ 8107-37.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-37.2. Applicability.
§ 8107-37.3. Range and approval of allowed deviations.
§ 8107-37.4. Planned development permit approval standards.
§ 8107-37.5. Permit conditions.
§ 8107-37.6. Design and development standards.
§ 8107-38. Interpretive centers.
§ 8107-38.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-38.2. Designated site.
§ 8107-38.3. Range of allowed uses and structures.
§ 8107-39. Historic repositories.
§ 8107-39.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-39.2. Development standards.
§ 8107-39.3. Range of allowed uses and structures.
§ 8107-40. Boarding houses and bed and breakfast inns.
§ 8107-41. Farm worker housing complexes.
§ 8107-41.1. Farm worker employment criteria.
§ 8107-41.2. Annual verification of farm worker employment.
§ 8107-41.3. Enforcement of farm worker employment criteria.
§ 8107-41.4. Farmworker community centers.
§ 8107-42. Stand alone batch plants.
§ 8107-42.1. Purpose and intent.
§ 8107-42.2. Definition.
§ 8107-42.3. Application.
§ 8107-42.4. Minimum use permit standards.
§ 8107-43. Boarding houses and bed and breakfast inns.
§ 8107-43.1. Protection of sensitive biological habitats.
§ 8107-43.2. Owner and operator.
§ 8107-43.3. Number of bedrooms.
§ 8107-44. Emergency shelters.
§ 8107-44.1. Definition and purpose.
§ 8107-44.2. Emergency shelter zoning clearance.
§ 8107-44.3. Emergency shelter development standards.
§ 8107-44.4. Emergency shelter management plan.
§ 8107-44.5. Construction and operational standards.
§ 8107-44.6. Application requirements.
§ 8107-45. Wireless communication facilities.
§ 8107-45.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-45.2. Applicability.
§ 8107-45.2.1. Facilities not covered.
§ 8107-45.2.2. Wireless communication facilities on government buildings.
§ 8107-45.2.3. Wireless communication facilities on radio studios and for permanent filming activities.
§ 8107-45.2.4. Wireless communication facilities for public safety or emergency services.
§ 8107-45.3. Application submittal requirements.
§ 8107-45.4. Development standards.
§ 8107-45.5. Compliance with federal, state and local law and regulations.
§ 8107-45.6. Collocation.
§ 8107-45.7. Maintenance and monitoring.
§ 8107-45.8. Technical expert review.
§ 8107-45.9. Temporary wireless communication facilities.
§ 8107-45.10. Permit Modifications.
§ 8107-45.10.1. Facility modifications subject to a Zoning Clearance.
§ 8107-45.10.2. Facility modifications subject to a permit adjustment.
§ 8107-45.10.3. Facility modifications subject to a minor or major modification.
§ 8107-45.11. Permit period and expiration.
§ 8107-45.12. Permit time extensions.
§ 8107-45.13. Nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8107-45.13.1. Modifications to nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8107-45.13.2. Permit time extension for nonconforming wireless communication facilities.
§ 8107-45.14. Abandonment.
§ 8107-45.15. Voluntary termination.
§ 8107-45.16. Site restoration.
§ 8107-46. Outdoor events.
§ 8107-46.1. Purpose.
§ 8107-46.2. No authorization for installation of permanent structures, equipment or impervious surfaces.
§ 8107-46.3. Outdoor events exempt from permitting.
§ 8107-46.4. Conditionally permitted outdoor events.
§ 8107-46.5. Processing and consideration of conditionally permitted outdoor event permit applications.