§ 8107-29.4.2. Any property proposed for the siting of such tracks and facilities shall be located:  

Latest version.
  • a.

    Within two minutes driving time or 500 feet (whichever is greater) of an all-weather street, road or highway with a minimum right-of-way of 100 feet, and in a location which would provide a secondary route of ingress/egress via a street, road or highway with a minimum all-weather right-of-way of 60 feet.


    On sites which naturally lend themselves to meeting the purpose of these regulations (Section 8107-29.2) in that the sites naturally promote minimum grading or disturbance of the existing topography, and auditory buffering such as that provided by canyons, hills, or other natural sound buffers.


    Motocross tracks and facilities shall not be allowed on any legal lot of less than forty (40) acres. No track on a given lot shall cover more than 30 acres of total ground area. On lots larger than forty acres, such tracks and facilities (excluding parking areas, sound baffles and noise attenuation structures) shall not occupy more than 30 acres total area.

(Add Ord. 4118—7/2/96; Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)