§ 8107-5.6.24. Screening and landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • All oil and gas production areas shall be landscaped so as to screen production equipment in a manner consistent with the natural character of the area, if required, based on the Planning Director's determination that landscaping is necessary. Required landscaping shall be implemented in accordance with a landscape and irrigation plan to be approved by the Planning Director or his/her designee after consultation with the property owner. The landscape plan shall be consistent with the Ventura County Guide to Landscape Plans and shall include measures for adequate screening of producing wells and permanent equipment from view of public roads or residential uses, revegetation of all cut and fill banks, and the restoration of disturbed areas of the site not directly related to oil and gas production. Low water usage landscaping and use of native plants shall be encouraged.

(Add Ord. 3900—6/20/89)