§ 8108-5.14.6. Stormwater management landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • Stormwater management landscape planters in parking areas shall meet the following criteria:


    Their location shall not interfere with the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, or bicycles.


    The designed water flow shall not cause erosion of pavement or damage to other required parking area features.


    They may count toward required parking area landscaping if the following criteria are met:


    The stormwater management landscaping does not compromise the number, type, size, location, or health of the required trees. Required trees shall be planted well above the flow line of basins or channels.


    The stormwater management landscaping does not compromise the screening, shading, or other purposes of Section 8108-5.14.1.


    The stormwater management landscaping is consistent with Ventura County's Landscape Design Criteria and has been approved by the County's landscape architect.


    Planters containing trees shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide (inclusive of bumper overhang).

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)