§ 8108-5.9. Surfaces.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    The surface of all required uncovered off-street motor vehicle parking spaces, aisles, driveways and loading areas shall be constructed and maintained with permanent all-weather, load-bearing pervious or impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances. The use of pervious surfaces is encouraged to facilitate on-site infiltration of stormwater. To reduce heat generation from parking area surfaces, the use of light-colored/high-albedo surfaces is encouraged.


    The surface of fire apparatus access driveways shall meet the requirements of the Ventura County Fire Protection District.


    The surface of the portion of driveways in the right-of-way shall meet the requirements of the Ventura County Road Standards or the latest edition of Caltrans' Standard Plans, as appropriate.


    Ribbon driveways outside of the right-of-way may be installed as an alternative to fully paved driveways, subject to the approval by the Ventura County Fire Protection District.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)