Article 11. Entitlements—Process and Procedures  

§ 8181-1. Purpose.
§ 8181-2. Legal lot requirement.
§ 8181-3. Permits.
§ 8181-3.1. Zoning clearances.
§ 8181-3.2. Planned development permit.
§ 8181-3.3. Conditional use permit.
§ 8181-3.4. Public works permit.
§ 8181-3.5. Required permit findings.
§ 8181-3.5.1. Additional findings for hazardous waste facilities.
§ 8181-3.5.2. Additional findings for development in the Santa Monica Mountains overlay zone.
§ 8181-3.6. Validity.
§ 8181-3.7. Emergency coastal development permits.
§ 8181-3.8. Immediate action; waiver of emergency permit requirements.
§ 8181-4. Variances.
§ 8181-4.1. Purpose.
§ 8181-4.2. Required findings for variances.
§ 8181-4.3. Burden of proof.
§ 8181-4.4. Administrative variances.
§ 8181-4.5. Planning Commission approval.
§ 8181-4.6. Duration.
§ 8181-5. Filing and processing of application requests.
§ 8181-5.1. Applications.
§ 8181-5.2. Content of applications.
§ 8181-5.3. Vested rights.
§ 8181-5.4. Fees.
§ 8181-5.5. Deferral of applications.
§ 8181-5.5.1. The Planning Director may defer any decision on a Planned Development Permit or modification, suspension, or revocation thereto, to the Planning Commission at any time prior to thirty (30) days after the close of the public hearing if the project:
§ 8181-5.5.2. The Planning Commission may defer a decision on an entitlement to the Board of Supervisors in cases where two (2) entitlements regarding the same property or site are being processed concurrently, and the Board is the decision-making authority for one (1) of the entitlements.
§ 8181-5.6. Continuance of permit during renewal process.
§ 8181-5.7. Compliance with conditions.
§ 8181-5.8. Securities.
§ 8181-6. Hearing procedures.
§ 8181-6.1. Determination of applicable procedures.
§ 8181-6.2. Public hearings.
§ 8181-6.2.1. Notice requirements.
§ 8181-6.2.2. Conduct of public hearings.
§ 8181-6.2.3. Waiver of hearing for minor developments.
§ 8181-7. Decisions.
§ 8181-7.1. Decision options.
§ 8181-7.2. Finality of decision.
§ 8181-7.3. Notice of final decision.
§ 8181-7.4. Effective date of decisions.
§ 8181-7.5. County failure to act.
§ 8181-7.6. Implementation.
§ 8181-7.7. Expiration.
§ 8181-8. Reapplication.
§ 8181-9. Appeals.
§ 8181-9.1. Application.
§ 8181-9.2. County appeal period.
§ 8181-9.3. Hearing and notice.
§ 8181-9.4. Appellate decision.
§ 8181-9.5. Appeals to the Coastal Commission.
§ 8181-10. Modification, suspension and revocation.
§ 8181-10.1. Causes for modification, suspension or revocation.
§ 8181-10.2. Nonwaiver.
§ 8181-10.3. Prohibition.
§ 8181-10.4. Modification of permits (applicant initiated).
§ 8181-10.4.1. Ministerial modifications.
§ 8181-10.4.2. Discretionary modifications.
§ 8181-11. Compliance with special studies zone.
§ 8181-12. Procedures for open space easements and public access documents.
§ 8181-13. Accessory dwelling unit procedures pursuant to subdivision (j) of Section 65852.2 of the Government Code Section.
§ 8181-14. Reasonable accommodation.
§ 8181-14.1. Purpose.
§ 8181-14.2. Fair housing reasonable accommodation requests.
§ 8181-14.3. Fair housing reasonable accommodation determination.
§ 8181-14.4. Standards for determining fair housing reasonable accommodation requests.
§ 8181-14.5. Conditions of approval.
§ 8181-14.6. Written determination on the request for reasonable accommodation.
§ 8181-14.7. Appeals.