§ 8178- Phase I Inventory.  

Latest version.
  • a.

    A Phase I Inventory shall be prepared by a Qualified Archaeological Consultant and shall include a record search, Sacred Lands File search, and a surface survey as follows:


    A record search shall be procure information from the SCCIC or Regional Historical Resources Information Center and shall determine the following:


    Whether a part or all of the project area was previously surveyed for archaeological resources;


    Whether any known archaeological resources were already recorded on or adjacent to the project area; and,


    Whether the probability is low, moderate, or high that archaeological resources are located within the project area.


    A Sacred Lands File search shall be requested from the Native American Heritage Commission to determine the presence of Native American archaeological resources and to obtain the most recent list of Native American individuals/organizations that may have knowledge of archaeological resources in the project area.


    A surface survey shall be performed to determine the presence or absence of archaeological resources.


    The Phase I Inventory Report shall include:


    An overview of the archaeological context within which to evaluate the type, nature and significance of prehistoric resources (i.e., material remains of Native American societies and their activities) or ethnohistoric resources (i.e., Native American settlements occupied after the arrival of European settlers in California) that may be encountered in the project area;


    An historical context to determine if any archaeological resources meet the criteria for an historic resource pursuant to Section 8178-;


    A description of how the surface survey was conducted;


    An assessment identifying the importance or absence of subsurface archaeological resources and any potential direct or indirect effects from the proposed development on archaeological resources;


    Resource management recommendations;


    Copies of the records search; and


    Official state forms (i.e., Building, Structure and Object (BSO) Record, Archaeological Site Record and/or District Record) if archaeological resources are encountered.

    A copy of the Phase I Inventory shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director and filed with the South Central Coastal Information Center (California State University Fullerton) or Regional Historical Resources Information Center.


    Where, as a result of the Phase I Inventory, the Qualified Archaeological Consultant determines, with the approval of the Planning Director, that the potential for encountering archaeological resources is low, no further analysis is required. However, the project will be conditioned that in the event of an unanticipated discovery, construction shall be halted in the area of the find and the permittee shall contact the Planning Director, the qualified archaeological consultant and the State Historic Preservation Officer to assess the significance and treatment options.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)