§ 8178- Landscaping in a Required Fuel Modification Zone.  

Latest version.
  • Landscaping in a fuel modification zone shall be designed, installed and maintained in conformance with the following standards:


    Except as provided in subsection "b" below, only drought tolerant and fire resistant native and non-native plant species, as recommended by a qualified biologist, shall be used in fuel modification zones. Invasive plants are prohibited.


    Fuel modification zones within ESHA buffer shall consist only of locally-indigenous, native plant species as recommended by a qualified biologist. Invasive plants are strictly prohibited.


    Except as permitted by Section 8178-7.5.4, in no case shall the fuel modification zone result in the removal of a native tree nor create a bare ring of earth around structures. Other vegetation may be retained provided it avoids the spread of fire to other vegetation or to a building or structure and is located and maintained as follows:


    Tree canopies and shrubs shall be spaced a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from other shrubs or trees.


    All trees and shrubs shall be trimmed to a minimum vegetative (leaf and branch) clearance of either five (5) feet from the ground surface or one-third (⅓) the height of the tree, whichever is less.


    All vegetation and mulch proposed to be planted in the fuel modification zone shall be consistent with the Ventura County Fire Protection District fuel modification plan approved for the site.


    Approved landscaping installed within a required fuel modification zone shall be maintained for the life of the project.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)