§ 8178-8.5.3. Use of non-potable water.  

Latest version.
  • Irrigation systems should be designed to collect and distribute stormwater, reclaimed water, and graywater when feasible.


    Water Harvesting. Landscape plans should include passive water harvesting methods for landscape irrigation, such as the use of graywater or rain catchment systems that capture water from roof and site runoff.


    Graywater systems shall be designed in conformance with the California Plumbing Code Chapter 16A Non-Potable Water Reuse Systems.


    Rainwater catchment systems shall be designed in conformance with the California Plumbing Code Chapter 17 Non-Potable Rainwater Catchment Systems.


    To encourage the reuse of non-potable water, projects with less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of landscape area that meet the estimated total water use entirely using graywater shall only be required to submit an Irrigation Plan pursuant to Section 8178-8.8(c) of the Landscape Documentation Package for the permit application.


    Reclaimed Water. Landscaping shall utilize reclaimed water where the resource can feasibly be provided. If reclaimed water is determined to be required for the project, the irrigation system shall be designed, installed, and operated in compliance with state and local laws, requirements and regulations applicable to non-potable water use.

(Ord. No. 4492, § 6, 6-21-2016)