§ 8111-2.9.2. Late filing fees.  

Latest version.
  • Where a use actually commences, or construction to that end is commenced, prior to the granting of required County permits or variances, a late filing fee for said permits or variances shall be collected, in addition to the required processing fees, provided that the County has given written notification to the property owner of the violation. If applications for the permits or variances needed to remedy the violation have been filed within 30 days of the issuance of said notification and deemed complete within 90 days of said notification, the late filing fee shall be refunded. The late filing fee shall be equal to the filing fee or initial deposit of each application request necessary to legalize the violation as set forth in the adopted schedule of fees and charges, but shall not individually exceed $1,000.00. Payment of a late filing fee does not constitute a vested right and shall not relieve persons from fully complying with the requirements of this Code, nor from any other penalties prescribed herein.

(Am. Ord. 4123—9/17/96)