§ 8119-1.1.3. Description of Zones.  

Latest version.
  • a.  Town Center (TC).
      The Town Center (TC) zone comprises the commercial and civic core of Saticoy. It consists of one- and two-story "main street commercial" buildings with shopfront frontages that are built up to and accessed from the sidewalk, giving the area a small town commercial character. Ground floor retail, artisan manufacturing and upper floor residential or live/work units support an active pedestrian environment. Ground-floor residential units are not permitted.
    8119-1-1-3a.png  Main-street commercial Town Center with an active pedestrian environment.
    b.  Residential/Mixed Use (R/MU).
      The Residential/Mixed Use zone is comprised of a multi-use zone that accommodates higher density housing with a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre. Triplex, quadplex , and multi-family units are permitted within the R/MU zone. The commercial uses allowed in the R/MU zone are compatible with residential uses (e.g., restaurants, day-care centers), and property zoned R/MU is within walking distance (0.25 miles) of the town center. Both commercial and residential uses are allowed as principal uses within the R/MU zone, but commercial use is allowed as the sole principal use only on lots that cannot accommodate multi-family residential use.
    8119-1-1-3b.png  The scale of multi-family buildings can be reduced by placing the third story in the attic space.
      New buildings in the R/MU zone are up to three stories, with ground floor residential uses separated from the sidewalk by a small front yard, and buildings with ground floor commercial uses are built up to and accessed from the sidewalk. Although ground-floor commercial is allowed throughout the R/MU zone, corner lots at L.A. Avenue and Nardo Street must include ground-floor commercial retail facing L.A. Avenue. 8119-1-1-3c.png   Corner lots in the Residential/Mixed Use zone on L.A. Avenue include small-scale ground floor commercial retail.
    c.  Residential (RES).
      The Residential (RES) zone accommodates a range of single-family, duplex, triplex and quadplex units, depending on lot size. New buildings are designed to be compatible in scale and character with the existing homes. Dwellings will be set back from the street behind front yards, which are often enclosed by low front yard fences, walls, or hedges. Front entries and windows face the street. Allowable uses within the RES zone are limited to residential and home occupation.
    8119-1-1-3d.png  New townhouses (yellow buildings in center) are designed with massing and frontage types that fits in with adjoining single family houses (gray buildings).
    d.  Light Industrial (IND).
      The Light Industrial (IND) zone within Old Town Saticoy accommodates a variety of light industrial and manufacturing uses, as well as some compatible commercial uses. New buildings are up to two stories in height, and the ground floor is occupied by industrial, manufacturing, office, and small-scale service or retail uses. Upper floors may be occupied by industrial, manufacturing, and office uses.
    8119-1-1-3e.png  The Light Industrial zone is up to two stories in height, and is occupied by industrial, manufacturing, office and small scale retail uses.


(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)