§ 8119-1.1.2. Purpose and Objectives.  

Latest version.
  • There are seven zones within the Saticoy Area Plan boundary. (See Appendix A for an illustrative map showing all zones.) Of these, three industrial zones (M1, M2, and M3) already exist within the NCZO, and are located within the South and West Industrial Sections. All zoning regulations associated with the Industrial Park (M1), Limited Industrial (M2), and General Industrial (M3) zones are located in Sec. 8104-5.

    Additionally, the following four newly created zones are established for Old Town Saticoy (see Figure 1.1.2. for the location of these zones), and a complete description of these zones is included in Sec. 8119-1.1.3:

    • Town Center (TC)

    • Residential/Mixed Use (R/MU)

    • Residential (RES)

    • Light Industrial (IND)

    The Development Code defines allowable uses and development standards for these zones within Old Town Saticoy. The Development Code implements the Saticoy Area Plan goals and policies through the development process. This Code is a "form-based code" because its regulations go beyond height, setback, and lot coverage standards to address the placement, massing, and design of buildings with tools such as "Building Types" and "Frontage Types" for each zone.

    (Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)

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    The Town Center zone comprises the commercial and civic core of Saticoy. It consists of one- and two-story "main street commercial" buildings with shopfront frontages built up to and accessed from the sidewalk, giving the area a small town commercial character. Ground floor retail, artisan manufacturing and upper floor residential or live/work units support an active pedestrian environment.
    The Residential/Mixed Use zone is comprised of a multi-use environment that accommodates higher density housing and limited, compatible commercial uses, all within a safe, comfortable, walking distance of the Town Center. New buildings are up to three (3) stories. Residential uses are separated from the sidewalk by a small front yard, and mixed-use buildings are built up to and accessed from the adjoining sidewalk.
    The Residential zone is comprised of one- and two-story single-family houses, duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes that are set back from the street behind front yards that are often enclosed by low front yard fences, walls or hedges. New buildings are scaled and designed to be compatible in scale and character with the existing houses.
    The Industrial zone within Old Town Saticoy accommodates a variety of light industrial and manufacturing uses, as well as some compatible commercial uses. New buildings are up to two stories in height and may be located flexibly on the lot, as determined by the function of the intended activity.


    The Development Code is intended to achieve the following objectives:


    Create a pedestrian-oriented environment. Provide building standards that place entries close to the adjacent public street and signage that provides information on services or products available within that building.


    Maintain a small town character. Create and implement the scale of a small town environment through two (2) to three (3) story building heights, detailed building façade requirements along public streets; and building scale and material standards that are compatible with buildings identified as historic landmarks or culturally significant sites in Saticoy.


    Use appropriate building "forms". Building forms are compatible with the purpose of the zones and utilize one of two types of "forms":


    "Block-form" buildings with simple massing and flat roofs, which are intended primarily for the Town Center (TC) and Industrial (IND) zones. Such buildings are larger than houses, are built close to the sidewalk, and have a small or no side yard set-backs; and


    "House-form" buildings with the scale, shape and size of houses range from individual houses to buildings composed of attached or detached dwellings. House-form buildings that contain multiple units (such as duplexes, triplexes , and quadplexes ) use the same form as a large house.


    Allow flexible standards. Building and Frontage Types available in each zone may be combined in numerous ways to meet the requirements of each building owner while ensuring that individual buildings are compatible with the surrounding area and contribute to a varied yet cohesive community.


    Buildings should generally be placed at the front of the lot for interior lots and at the corner of the lot for corner lots, although other placements may be allowed if required by the use.


    Frontage types are not required, although main entrances should face the street and both street- and alley -facing windows are required.


    Minimize land use conflicts. Some standards use building placement, visual screening, noise walls or landscape buffers to minimize noise or other impacts between incompatible uses. These standards are also used to minimize the impact of industrial use, heavy vehicular traffic, and railroad noise/vibrations on residential use. Additional standards for specific areas are identified in Sec. 8119-1.8.5 Standards for Specific Locations.

(Ord. No. 4479, § 8(App. B), 9-22-2015)