§ 8106-8.5. Sight distance.  

Latest version.
  • Adequate sight distance shall be provided at intersections. In cases where the minimum setback requirements of Sec. 8106-1 do not provide such sight distance, particularly where streets intersect at less than ninety (90) degrees and traffic is controlled (e.g., by stop signs) on only one of the streets (the 'minor street'), setbacks for discretionary projects must be adjusted to provide adequate sight distance in accordance with the following table. The sight distance shall be measured from a point in the center of the minor street eight feet behind the designated stopping point for vehicles on such street, or behind a continuation of the intersecting curb line, to the center of the nearest (curbside) driving lane on the intersecting ('major') street. No structures or landscaping over three feet in height which could block the view of approaching traffic on the major street shall be constructed or located on the street side of the line connecting the two points. Curb cuts on discretionary projects should be considered minor streets for purposes of this section.

    Speed Limit On Major Street (mph) Sight Distance Required (ft.)
    25 165
    30 190
    35 225
    40 260
    45 300
    50 350
    55 400


(Add Ord. 3810—5/5/87)