§ 8107-36.3.1. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following standards shall apply to all waste handling, waste disposal and recycling facilities (except temporary collection activities, accessory operations and waste collection and processing activities to mitigate an emergency):


    Prior to issuing a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary entitlement, the applicable decision-making authority (the Planning Director, Planning Commission, and/or Board of Supervisors) shall make a finding that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on soils designated "Prime," "Statewide Importance," "Unique" or "Local Importance" on the California Department of Conservation's Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, Important Farmlands Maps, or on land subject to a Land Conservation Act (LCA) contract, as defined in the appropriate section of the Ventura County Initial Study Assessment Guidelines, unless the Planning Director, in consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, determines that the land is developed or otherwise unsuitable for agricultural activities.


    The project shall be designed, and all activities shall be conducted so as to minimize their adverse impact on the physical environment. To this end, dust, noise, vibration, noxious odors, intrusive light, vectors, traffic impacts and other factors of nuisance and annoyance shall be reduced to a minimum or eliminated through appropriate setbacks and other best accepted practices that are applicable to local conditions.


    The site shall be maintained free of litter and the facility operator shall be responsible for daily collection of all litter that leaves the site.


    All residual wastes derived from receiving and processing activities shall be removed from the site within the time frame required by state law.


    Materials shall not be accepted at any time when the storage capacity of the site would be exceeded by such delivery.


    Drainage—Drainage must be controlled so as to prevent any leachate runoff from the site; divert surface water drainage away from all piles of material; and prevent the creation of puddles and standing water in any area where waste materials are stored.


    Facilities in commercial, M-1, or M-2 zones which require outdoor operations or storage shall incorporate appropriate landscaping, walls, fences, or other methods to provide visual screening from any adjacent properties and public rights-of-way.


    The standards outlined in the following Sections (8107-36.3.2 through 8107-36.3.12) that apply to the specific activity shall also be met.

(Add Ord. 4214—10/24/00)