§ 8107-37.3. Range and approval of allowed deviations.  

Latest version.
  • To advance the purpose outlined in Section 8107-37.1 of this chapter, deviations from various standards and regulations of this chapter may be granted as part of a planned development permit. Deviations "a" and "k" may only be granted by the Planning Commission. All others may be granted by the Planning Director.


    Minimum Lot Area. Section 8103-0 (Purpose and Establishment of Zones and Minimum Lot Areas), Section 8103-1 et seq. (Establishment of Alternative Minimum Lot Area by Suffix), Section 8106-1.1 and Section 8106-1.2;


    Permit Approval Level. Section 8105-4 (Permitted Uses in Open Space, Agricultural, Residential and Special Purpose Zones). Where the square footage or gross floor area of structures on a lot requires a given permit to be issued, the square footage of significant historic structures on a Cultural Heritage Site shall not be counted towards the total square footage of structures;


    Permit Approval Level. Section 8105-5 (Permitted Uses in Commercial and Industrial Zones). Where the square footage or gross floor area of structures on a lot requires a given permit to be issued, the square footage of structures on a Cultural Heritage Site shall not be counted towards the total square footage of structures;


    General Development Standards. Section 8106-1.1 (Development Standards for Uses and Structures in OS, A-E, and R Zones);


    General Development Standards. Section 8106-1.2 (Development Standards for Uses and Structures in Commercial, Industrial, and Special Purpose Zones);


    Fences, Walls and Hedges. Section 8106-8.1 et seq.;


    Accessory Dwelling Unit Standards—Section 8107-1.7 et seq. (Accessory Dwelling Units);


    Parking Standards. Section 8108-et seq. (Parking and Loading Requirements);


    Landscaping Standards. Section 8109-0.6 (Landscaping);


    Signage. Section 8110-4a (Prohibited Portable Freestanding Signs), Section 8110-4i (Prohibited Projecting Signs), Section 8110-5-2 et seq. (Location); and


    Non-conforming Uses and Structures. Section 8113-5.2 (Uses Within Structures Subject to Amortization), Section 8113-5.2.1 (Expansion and Change of Use Prohibited), Section 8113-5.3 et seq. (Uses Not Amortized), Section 8113-6.1 (Destruction, Uses Not Amortized), Section 8113-6.2 (Destruction, Uses Amortized), Section 8113-7 (Additional Use), Section 8113-8 (Use of Non-conforming Lots).

    (Add Ord. 4220—12/12/00; Am. Ord. 4282—5/20/03)

(Ord. No. 4407, § 5, 10-20-2009; Ord. No. 4519, § 3, 2-27-2018)