§ 8108-1.2. Changes to or expansions of existing land uses.  

Latest version.
  • Changes to or expansions of existing land uses shall have appropriately maintained off-street parking and loading facilities in compliance with the provisions of this Article as outlined below.

    In order to determine if the change or expansion of the existing land use requires additional motor vehicle parking spaces, the number of parking spaces required by the existing land use (prior to the expansion or change) per Section 8108-4.7 below is compared to the number of parking spaces required by the change or expansion to the land use based on Section 8108-4.7 below, regardless of whether the existing use was established prior to or after adoption of this Article and regardless of the existing number of motor vehicle parking spaces at the land use.

(Ord. No. 4407, § 1, 10-20-2009)